TB Build | 41" Drop | Caliber Trucks | Dual 6355 190KV | TB VESC | 10S4P

Edit: Decided to keep my board. I feel like I can work around the difficulties as long as I take care of them sooner than later.

i’m interested in the motors, trucks and wheels if you decide to part it out.

I may also be interested in the motors and vesc’s

hey man before you sell it, try wearing some ski goggles or a fullface helmet. and thin gloves if you arent already. as to the sketchyness, give it a little while. is this your first time riding a longboard? also when summer comes and you just wanna cruise around slowly without sweating a ton you’ll be sad you sold it. I wear my snowboard helmet with ear muffs anytime its below like 50 degress.

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Can you say more about the battery pack? I’m sure everyone who’s interested wants to know.

Git big Big interest in the set up! Pmed you

I actually did give it another go this week, but ran into instability issues. Got a DRV issue on one of my VESCs and one of my belts snapped. I think I’ll give it another go in the summer, but for now I’ll just push on my regular longboard on nice sunny days. Thanks for the encouragement though :slight_smile:

I don’t know what much else there is to say about it. Uses XLR connectors for recharging, Vedder Anti-spark switch, SU Power BMS. 10S4P config, haven’t drained the battery ever and I never charge it over 41V as there are a series of down hills during the commute.