Two receivers to one enertion nano x?

Simply, has anyone paired 2 receivers with 1 enertion nano remote? And have they found the nano compatible with any other receivers?

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I think it’s possible, if I’m not mistaken some folks from here did it.

Why don’t you use Y splitter instead? Will be less expensive.

Two receivers is more reliable than a Y splitter. If one fails, the other likely still works; less likely for brakes to fail.

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I’ve done it many times with the mini and I like the back up of having 2 separate systems apart from the batteries. Just was wondering if anyone had done it.

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What is the reason for a Y splitter to fail if you wire it correctly?

I was talking about a receiver failing, but the Y-splitter failing is also averted.

There are a thousand reasons things on an esk8 fail, mostly heavy vibrations. Also heat, brine, water, physical trauma, radio interference, all sorts of things. I’d prefer to find out with one motor still maybe braking

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I don’t think the Nano-X can use multiple receiver

I did a dual receiver build wiht GT2B and ran into problems of one motor accelerating faster than the other (same settings on both VESCs) took it out and did canbus and problem was gone.

I’m thinking I had a faulty receiver, haven’t gone back to dual yet though.

It doesnt work, I’ve tried. Y splitter works great

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Thanks for confirming. Shame.

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Yeah, you can only bind the nano-x to 1 RX. I tried it for science, i always use can bus. I like traction control and the ability to reconfigure on the fly.

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