[US] ($130) Selling Evolve 107mm (100 miles) w/ two BKB 40T wheel pulleys

There are 6 DIYers in my local community and we don’t organise group rides during the winter, it sure slows down. Sure i guess we ride around and stuff, but remember we have more “general” periods of 2~3 months where the ground is constantly very wet in the EU. From my time in the US, it did rain about the same amount but it didn’t remain wet on the ground for weeks. Also im not going to argue about the DIY elitist bullshit mindset you have but i will acknowledge the sly little comment you had to put in there anyway. As i know you’ll respond, what language do you write in?

Usually I write in Silbo Gomero, but occasionally I sneak some Ayapaneco in there.


Coding language silly, I’m a developer too. Genuinely interested

My primary focus is Smalltalk but I also use Object Pascal, VisiCalc, and COMTRAN

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Still interested in the pulleys? I guess I can split it up if it helps this sell faster :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, I already got some other ones. :confused:

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I figured as much, all good :slight_smile:

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el bumpo

Donate them to the “Laffs Foundation”.?

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120usd + shipping (17usd) bump

cant edit my title anymore rip

I might just use them on my spud :thinking:

grande bumpo

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Wow this is still for sale. Crazy

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At least he’s not asking $350 for it like someone else around here…


I know right? Theyre not in bad shape or anything… o-O

I could actually really use these. Broke af tho. Maybe have some things to trade.

depends what

PM me if so

Let me go through what I have left. Ill pm you later.

bizzity bump

not sold yet ?? jeez sad im not in the us

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