Your app id secret can easily be removed from the code. Just keep it in the separate file outside git repo. Sorry but this can not be accepted as an excuse.

The community would benefit a lot from the source code. We can find bugs in the code and send patches. I’m sure VESC firmware source code is much more complex but people still can understand it and contribute. Think about how it all started - you just took opensource app and released it on the App Store. Now you did a few changes but instead of updating existing app and pushing the code back to github you release another app instead without sharing. This doesn’t really go well together with openness and accepting donations from the community.

A simple option is to store the password in a separate file, ignored by github. The application would then load from that file. This way, you can release from your current directory, but without pushing sensitive data to github.

As an aside, I’m interested in developing this for the android myself. Perhaps there’s a cross-platform option out there (e.g., Xamarin).

If you think this is the case, I’m more than happy to push it to github.

I don’t want to argue about it, because I’m fine with posting it on github. But I rebuilt the code from the bluetooth communication up. The only code that’s reused is the bluetooth communication code. Basically, I wrote 90-95% of the code if you were to count lines.

There was no structure for the vesc data, so I built a data structure with more than double the data of the original app.

There was one view with everything in it. I threw out all of the GUI code, and started from scratch. I created 6 new views so that the GUI is organized and not all over the place in 1 file.

So honestly, I didn’t just add some code to an app someone else made, I developed it from the from the bluetooth code on up.

You can view the code now here: GitHub - lukebelz/Vesc-Status

If someone wants to convert it java so it can work on android devices, please do. I will be doing more research into it and will try these convertor tools. I’m doubtful they will work right, but we will see.


That’s definitely more than I imagined. I apologize about my somewhat offensive tone. You did a great job! I appreciate you uploaded the code on github. I am sure others will appreciate it as well. Keep up great work! :+1:

@evoheyax Thanks for publishing your code to git. When I get a little bit of extra time I will help out getting it published for Android as that’s what I work on mostly these days. Great job!

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I hope more people will contribute, with something more valuable than this :slight_smile: But hey, every coin helps.

Please add the license file.

Since you are using Benjamin’s code datatypes.h, crc.h, etc. which have GPL license, I recommend using the same license. You can add license directly on GitHub website by using web interface

  1. Click on “Create new file”
  2. Enter the file name
  3. GitHub license picker will automatically appear on the right
  4. Select GNU General Public License v3.0

Thanks for the help. If anyone would like towork with me to add a new tool, it’s really quite simple to add new tools.

I can write a tutorial on how to add a new tool. But you literally create a new view, with a few extra lines of code to import the data structure header file, and you need to create an init with frame and the data structure function instead of just the frame, and you’ll have all of the vesc data at your tools finger tips.

Then in the main ViewController.h, just import the header file for the new view, add the @class declaration.

In the ViewController.m file, add the the view by copying and pasting the code from one of the other views. You need to copy and paste and modify the function that pulls up the view. I will look into making this easier in the future to add. but after that, your ready.

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License file created. Thanks for your help. I want this to be here for the community. I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again: This work is not charity work, but it’s also not about profiting. I am looking to cover my costs for having the license to publish to the app store and some little bit for my time would be nice. I have committed over 100 hours to this project so far (a lot of it was remember Objective-C, since it’s been a few years, and learning the Bluetooth codes’ structure). With that being said, I’m not charging for the app, nor am I against keeping this open source. This is a tool much needed by the community, and doing anything that keeps anyone from using it is not in the best interest of the community.

Donations are greatly appreciated if you can afford it, but I hate companies (like adobe) that restrict their software for basically rich people by charging an arm and a leg. I think giving users the option is the best, so that people like me who are in college (or even those in high school or that don’t have the best of jobs) can still use this software :slight_smile:


Thank you everyone for your support! Here’s a few more screenshots of the first version of this app :wink:


Thanks so much for your contribution to the community. Donation sent in appreciation, I hope it helps. :slight_smile:

Hopefully, I can get into the Android/Java code and help out later on (maybe once finals are over).

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Thanks for doing this, sent contribution in hopes it helps projects like this flourish.

Dude, you’re my hero!! Everything is looking really good so far. Keep up the great work. I’ll definitely be donating by purchasing one or two of these soon. Honestly, your release of this app/BT module was the final push I needed to try the VESC. And also to dig out my wife’s old iPhone 4s. :telephone_receiver::telephone: Lol. Hopefully @seanhacker can get this running on Android soon, which would be amazing. :pray::heart_eyes: I’m still a little nervous about setting up my first VESC without blowing it up :boom::sparkler::fireworks::volcano:, but also super excited about the prospect of being able to geek out on ridiculous amounts of data. :minidisc::floppy_disk::cd::vhs: This could be the nerdiest Christmas yet!! :nerd::microscope::santa::evergreen_tree::snowflake::snowman2::snowboarder:

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the donations. The amount of support is overwhelming and I can’t wait to add even more features and updates to this app.

Also, I haven’t tested this app on any other devices besides the iphone 6 in real life devices. The 6s, 7, and 7s should have zero issues, since they are more or less the same (what’s most important is the IOS version). I’m a little bit more concerned about the 4s, as it causes the 4s simulator to crash, and I had issues pushing it to hummies iphone 4s (certification and licensing crap, not related to the app), and it will be easier with it in the store to test on the 4s (as it removes the certification and licensing that I have to deal with. I really hope there’s no issues, but if there is at first, I will fix any problems and update it :slight_smile: My goal is 4s through the latest gens :stuck_out_tongue:


The app is up on the App Store now!

Can’t test it till this evening


Just tried it out on 5s and I think there are resolution issues things are a bit jumbled and I can’t get it to record

It looks really great though!

Edit: I did try rotating still similar issues

Oh wow that was fast :slight_smile: I will be fixing and resubmitting today :wink:

It’s tricky to get the spacing just right for all phones. I did the box resizing, but I forgot to do the font and spacing resizing which is nescressary. It’s a huge math game and the good news is today’s my day off, and I’ve got plenty of time to fix this today.

So I just found the problem… None of the orientations were marked under the apps settings. It’s frustrating to say the least, because it was marked the last time I tried the app 10 minutes for uploading…

But none the less, it’s an easy fix and I tested it with the iphone 5s simulator and got this:

I will be checking all from the 5 to the 7, plus and regular sizes. It seems the 4s simulator has been discontinued, so I can’t test it on a 4s phone. The screen size is the same though as the 5, so should work.

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Just an update to everyone, the update to fix the orientation bug has been submitted. Hopefully since no code changed, just a check box marked, it should be a quick review. Biased on community efforts to track app review wait times, it seems like it should be within a day, or two at the absolute most :stuck_out_tongue:

hmm this is weird…it seems that there is no update available for the app… in my case :-s i have the older version and no updates are available for it yet …