Besides trampas bluetooth module you could also use Metr Pro that works out of the box with the VESC tool. It comes with a cable so it is plug and play. You can find more infos about that module here:

The other option would be to buy a “standard” nRF51822 module and some sort of programmer on eBay/etc. and flash it with Benjamins firmware like it is described here:

The standard HM-10 modules will not work with the mobile VESC Tool.

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Hi Hexacopter, did you incorporate Benjamins FW into your new module?


No. With Metr Pro we are using a different chip (not the nRF51822) that is running its own written firmware.

I Know that you use the NRF52 series. I was just wondering how you make it compatible to VESC-Tool BLE if you are not using Benjamin’s initial FW code base.

frank is sniffing for blood again…


Frank, did you know that it exists a french town called Vesc ??

I may help you to write a letter in French to sue the mayor until he changes the name of this (sin) city and gives attribution to the VESC Project.

If I can help making the world fairer and better, count me in. :slight_smile:


They are probably more into farming and tourism than making motor controllers and software (-;

woosh? :laughing:

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So what is the consensus on an IOS version?

As long as Apple doesn’t change its App Store policies iOS versions are not GPL compatible. Since Benjamin published his code under the terms of the GPL, iOS users have an issue.

It’s possible, someone just needs to build it in Xcode and release it

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is there any more information on this somewhere?

It does not work with HM-10, which is super slow compared to NRF 52xxx Bluetooth 5. Get a proper dongle, which will last you for ever. This is your bridge to the App and the remote and upcoming equipment.

lol what a waste of time, next we’ll be having to flash our network cards or buy specific ones to access the internet. How bad is this software that is requires a custom firmware on a bluetooth module?


Is this some ploy to force people into buying an overly priced bluetooth module through trampa? $35 for a $5 module?

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What do you think how much time is involved to code all the software? FW for module, SWD Prog feature in VESC-Tool, remote and App connectivity etc. For 5$ you can’t even get the raw module (without PCB, assembly, flashing, testing etc.) Products usually cost more than the raw material involved.


The price for the trampa dongle is roughly the same as the Metr module which is intended for the Metr app, nothing wrong here. Like previously said the programmers behind theese apps put a lot of hours into this, basicly the price of the dongle justifies you to use a premium firmware.

You are joking right?

In any case, VESC is an open source project. You can always make your own version of the tool to connect with smoke signals or whatever makes you happy.

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And it pays for itself in convenience! I don’t have a trampa specific one, but just having to open an app that feeds important information to the user is invaluable :+1:

And wireless setup, FW updates etc.

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