What do you guys think about tracking?

Hey guys, just wondering what everyone thinks about putting some sort of tracking device in your board as a simple way to track the board if it were to ever go missing.

…Assuming the they don’t open it then and there, that could be enough time to call police, and pursue by yourself if you feel safe enough

Its obviously an idea with alot of holes, but maybe you guys have some nice ideas that can help flesh this out


e: If i were to purchase a simple one that functions off a monthly plan, should I stick with an amazon one(over an alibaba/chinese tracking device), so no one is collecting my data and using it for… whatever :rofl:

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Jlabs has a great method if anyone wants this in the US

If only I could edit the title!!


Why :rofl:

Tracker seems like a more obvious search than thief catcher or locator…


Ah I thought you meant mine :joy:

I was like… o.O

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6 months per charge and 3 years of sigfox included. No sim required.

Looks really good, unfortunately, its not available in my country :frowning:

E: looks like sigfox is rolled out to New York City area, which is good… but thats not really great considering there would be huge holes in my safety net (other massive areas of no coverage) :frowning:

Milwaukee tools offers a gps tracker for your tools just in case they get stolen so I bought a pack and put one in my truck and in my board

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Works for me but there are better ones I agree, like this one I may pick up. https://logistimatics.com/qbit/?gclid=CjwKCAiA2fjjBRAjEiwAuewS_ejW1Yg2ocLIKsOqWmgnx1veoj5jgqMho5W6Yr6GnpLKciOQBq79sxoC2AAQAvD_BwE

This worked great for me. Used my own prepaid sim so cant use the app but I can call the number and gives me a google map precise location. Hardwired to charge while riding.



This one is really cool. I just recieved one to test but with GSM fading in the future they make a new ZX808 running android 5. Very small as well


How does the one from amazon work?

most accurate and user friendly yet is locked. Use included sim, sign up, pay your life away"joking." You can also use basic text commands without the proprietary app. speedtalk has been working well for me is Seattle. Yon now can find cheaper proprietary trackers with true gps on amazon. Ill link some

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Very well indeed. I’ve got one on my wife.


where does she keep it

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If you don’t know then you’re off my suspect list


Im putting one in tonight

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20190424_002029 Scott wants to try an e-shadow37. I will always try and facilitate locating your board. if its stolen or if we forgot where we put it. ayy.

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