What does motor MAX actually means?

Devin if you write a concise question I’ll post it on vedders site.

@devin I think that we all appreciate your efforts to unravel this dilemma. Have you considered testing this with one of your own VESCs?

Many of us on the forum only have one usable build at a given time, so the risk of damaging a VESC for this exploration is a tough sell.

@devin OK message received. Could you please stop tagging me in your posts about this matter? I don’t feel that I have any additional input to offer. Good luck sorting it out!

The throttle response is pretty smooth through the range of speed from 5-30. No hidden sweet spot . The danger aspect isn’t there I really don’t think and people on boards and bikes are not being surprise bucked off their vehicle. What is the one single thing I can take from this thread, in terms of bettering my vehicles performance?

You need more sleep maybe. I think the danger you are writing about with the throttle and a sweet spot is just not there in practice. That’s rediculous to me. But the different amp limits. Three of them. Battery motor and max. That’s what I want to know.

my throttle is smooth from 0 to 35. no bursts of speed for me, though I’m using 50mm motors

Someone just posted this above

Find the outputs at .005 seconds at full duty cycle and see the increases every small increment of time going forward. Aren’t all the variables represented n holds tool realtime data? Not max and then u can see


The 3 different limits are really easy.

Motor Max: Motor current limit. There to protect your motor. Take the max current your motor is able to supply, multiply by 0.6 if it is smaller then 60 enter that in there. If it is bigger then 60, enter 60 in there.

Batt max: Battery current limit. There to protect your battery. Take the max continuous current your battery is able to supply, multiply by 0.6 and enter that in there.

Absolute max: If any of the current samples (There is multiple ones taken on both ends of the VESC) is bigger than this number a fault is generated and the VESC needs a reboot to get back to live. This is pretty much a last ditch effort to keep stuff from going really wrong. This value should never be hit.

The 0.6 is a very conservative setting. Everything from 0.5 - 0.8 should be ok to use. If you know what you do you can go higher, much higher.

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I posted that. I haven’t tried it, don’t know if that is any good. If you should try it, let me know please.

Yes Devin I see that. We can agree on that. What are we trying to figure beyond that. Svenska nice find. I want someone to tell me what I need to do next. Get an android phone for starters. A cheap one. Someone should do a 3D printed trigger for a cheap android phone! That would be the clincher.