Where the hell are all the Steez remotes?

i can’t remember if i told you, but i sent you a remote…

You fucking rock! Thank you!

Let’s update this search. Where are they now??

on the way to my house. I have 10 of them coming with another 20 motors.


also i have a few in the drawer. and a couple of broken ones.

Basically what i’m trying to say is that i know where most of them are now.

Well, looks like you found them!

Anyone able to provide some pictures of the inside of a steeze remote? Would help my ultimate vesc remote case research. Thanks

These remotes are on sale here now:


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wow… i don’t remember seeing that in their catalog, and i just got a new one.

I got it in an email from them just now.

oh… it must have hit my spam tab.

This one looks more durable. I think i’ll hit them up for these next. They must have taken me seriously when i explained to them in great detail precisely everything that was wrong with their steeze remote.

which was basically that the AB switches on the PCB were shit and they need to beef them up but otherwise they’re perfect.

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