Windows BLDC 2.17?

Thats right. In the newest version by benjamin vedder available on github that problem isn’t there. I can only recommend compiling the official source by yourself. I am tensed when the first one fries his VESC when testing the online firmware update thing. Hopefully there is now bug in that firmware tab. That would be annoying.

Could you elaborate please Are there settings that should be corrected?

The values which are calculated are wrong and then the wrong values are applied. Only work around is to either use Ubuntu 2.18 or to stay with 2.16 on those other OS.

Thank you! That’s pretty important stuff

Doesn’t seem to be important for others. The faulty and modified versions of the BLDC Tool are still up and being downloaded.

I only can urgently advice to use 2.16 Version of the BLDC Tool on OSX and Windows or go for the original one (currently V2.18) from Benjamin on Ubuntu! Using those faulty version of the BLDC Tool can cause fatal failures!

Maybe you should message @jacobbloy directly?

Has been done already, also by others.

hey guys yes this is correct but i am currently working on this as I’m typing, it is an error with FOC.

ok guys atm the BLDC TOOL will just be benjamins version for windows and OS X. i will fix the issue asap it will be done soon but i just ask if maybe 2 or 3 could jump on a pre release test group that i can send you the software before i release and you test as it is almost impossible for me to get all of these bugs out.

Does this mean Jacobs 2.16 version I downloaded 3 weeks ago has bugs ?

No! 2.16 was just behaving vedders code in 2.17 and 2.18 I interested some new features for those that wanted to use it but when doing so I have just over looked a few connections in the code!

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ugh i need a new laptop at home for this. i need to be running ubuntu, i’m tired of the osx/windows dance i have had to do the last couple of times.

whats been up with it?

except for this one version that was only available for 1 day, it is always built direct from benjamin vedders git hub project, the one problem might be drivers on windows.

It was longer available then one day. Just saying. Don’t lie to your customers.

What are you paying for?

More bricked VESCs and electric skateboards?!?

Well, i just asked because you spoke of customers, which implied you are actually paying for it?

No, that implied that customers are paying for it with destroyed VESCs and with the “random speed bug” (maybe you read my posts back) some electric skateboards. What I destroy myself are my own problems when compiling my own code. But others are dependent from his builds and maybe trust that it is working.

I agree fully with that, faulty code could cost money, i just wanted to say that nobody is his customer here(except for Hubs but this is a different story) as he does not actually sell VESCS or so.

Oh, interesting. When I am not fully wrong and remember correctly there was a ordering option a few weeks back on his website to order VESCs. So I was thinking he is still selling them and his customers download also his bldc tool versions. Sorry about that wrong outdated info I had.