nice you listened to my advise, haha. which ESC will you use?
For now the 10400w 8s deleviry system is ample for 75mph… I’m happy with it’s performance and reliability… if we run into problems testing it will be addressed. Changing the drive to mod 1.5 gears… It moves the motor far enough away from the Axel that it can be narrowed 2". Still like the Castle Mamba XL X
All great things start with aluminium profile, rod end bearings, a BFH (big fu$king hammer) and a beer (or two)
Good luck Moe
lol can we get a parts list?
90 MPH JEEEBERS. Holy Balls. Fastest i’ve clocked was 57, at a race some swede clocked 70… mischo went fast on his e-board but 90MPH just downhilling?!
Was this some secret Colorado road?
don’t take me there. i’ll stick to around 45.
I have small balls.
no z on my balls.
Can’t wait to see what you come up with Moe!! Hell yes.
Just got a text from the wheel builder. WR wheels are done. Should see them Monday… Can’t wait to see what the sauce looks like we’ve been collaborating on.
Looking good MoeBro!
Sounds to me like the 10kW will be barely enough to accelerate Moe’s gargantuan steel balls
I guess say hy to Kyle.
Following this closely, hope and can add something after Transylvania race, got something planned…
Mod 1.5 I see you got the cans flush together now, how did you go getting the speed controllers on the box tube? Looks awesome bro although I’m still trying to figure out leverage/clearance
Dude, that thing is beautiful so far…
Equipment will be mounted on a tray that slides inside the Monocoque box frame.
Fuck what does 75mph on a longboard feel like ? Must be incredible I’ve went fast on sports bikes and motocross bikeso but standing on a longboard at that speed love to know what it actually feels like
Don’t know about esk8 or 75mp/h +. 65+ on a gravity set up feels like the closest thing to flying honestly. The wind and its force is present at all times, feeling like a wall you are leaning against. Even though you fly by like a car your movements are slow, gracious and very mind full. You behave like in trance or a sloth waking up. Usually I am 100% in the moment. Not thinking, fully relying on instincts and muscle memory. Especially in wide corners you can fully grip it feels like your are riding with the wind. 10 minutes of that calmness in mind is more relaxing for everday stress than a weeks worth of holidays to me.
Afterwards the tingling and blood rush is a good indicator as well. Your just not quite sure if its the road vibrations or the adrenalin.
Love that description must be some feeling maybe one day lol
Looks like it should have a rear defuser!
After form and function tests establish a reliable ridable baseline, the aero will be part of the final stages. Plan is to make it a sk8 suction cup.