WTS: Focbox Unity (SOLD)

I’m selling my Focbox Unity. Just got picked it up from the post office. Asking $400 + shipping. I’m in Dallas, Texas area. Only want to ship within U.S.FocboxUnity

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296.14 on enertion site… Why 400 on this thread ?

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Hahahah. Oh shit @Touch415

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Supply and demand? Sure you can order one right now. When will you get it tho? Yeah price is high but some people are impatient. Or maybe it never sells


I’d pay $400 for it

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I think people rather wait for a while than pay so much… Money is key :stuck_out_tongue:


OR NOT hahaha hahahahahahhaha

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I think I saw this in a movie somewhere https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.a47e703b6a84d2be8643098907b11f19&pid=Api&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2Fpo4hew2AoWT1S%2Fgiphy.gif&ehk=onMFmvrIlD8pgK%2B2WgCjvg


What a cockend

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Edit: The box has been opened and the other contents posed for the picture so that is like have half the value right there right?



I’m sorry if I offended anyone. I’m just putting it out there. Thinking about making my own DIY Board or just buy one. It’s all about time value of money. Get it at awesome price from Enertion but wait a couple of months or Get it now at their regular price, no waiting.


Fair enough. Supply and demand. Just expect hate.

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this not how da forum works dawg. we here to help, not profit due to time constraints. not a good way to earn good will.


True, that’s what /r/eboardmarketplace is for :rofl:


I mean , he isn’t doing anything to anyone, he’s offering a product at a price he thinks will sell. If someone takes offense to this, especially when there isn’t a gun to their head to buy it, they have some issues they need to work out.


The kind of guy who would pay $400 for a Unity, today, is the sort of builder who’ll want to be “first” to install it into his Acton Q4tro, and halfway through a weekend, discover he needs a second Unity.

This is Enertion’s forum with a big banner ad at the top for Unity, and, as the others have stated, the kind of buyer you’re looking for is on Reddit and to a lesser extent, eBay.

Good luck to you, I am sure you can sell it for that price elsewhere.


I’ll give you 300 shipped and you Still making money

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Respectfully, that’s bullshit. Here’s why…

  1. This is a community of builders. Everyone on this forum should have the single minded purpose of learning and helping others learn, and helping others to build.
  2. The vendors we have are fair and typically bend over backwards to help, and mostly they sell stuff we cant get anywhere else. Those that don’t do this aren’t around for very long.

Beyond all that, this guys is trying to make a quick buck. That’s fine, whatever. But it is not in line with the spirit of this community, and I for one will not be helping him when it is build time.


I’d take that.