Xl2.0 betting pool

August 1st, 2019 11:58:27 AM EST. :joy:

Edit: is the date for announcement or available?

Whichever is first

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March 15th

As long as no one tags them to this threadā€¦or maybe if he sees it then he will get out point.

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March 14 is my official guess!

March the 23th

March the 30

March 18, 2019

You charming ! Thatā€™s my birthday ā€¦


This thread looks like cops playing lottery with their badge number haha

Iā€™ll bet on February 28th just for fun!

(Donā€™t look my Edit history)


March/2 (Carnival in Brazilā€¦sounds a great date!)


March 12, has to be

April 1st. Surely.

Iā€™m going with the 29th september 2019. Actually if frank is reading this which he most definitely is, Iā€™m betting he will announce a release date, wait for you to acknowledge a winner then change the date as an update and wait till you acknowledge a winner then change the date as an updateā€¦ Then release plans for the exact same deck dated way before your first design and try to sue your ass. Kind of how he rolls.


September the 4th,2019

May 17 2019 :slight_smile:

Nice try to turn things around. Actually the KALY deck is copy of our HP line with added concave side rails that @Koringer introduced. There are plenty of decks with concave available since the 70ths. Itā€™s no rocket science and not " I invented concave lips, lets see when I get copied" by the company that I copied in the first place.

@Chrisjarram thx for lifting the smokescreen up a bit. @Koringer might also want to join in and bet on 2nd October 2018. He made his concave lip design available on Thingiverse last autumn.
I can see some similaritiesā€¦ @Koringer should run this thread but I guess it would be far below his dignity.

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June 19, 2019

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Meh, who cares. Heā€™s offering if, and your not. I like the way @Kaly talks to ya. He listens, answers, and delivers products that the community asks for.

This is turning into the stupid iPhone vs Samsungā€¦oh no you are releasing a phone that is a rectangle and has a screen, ahhhh you copied us!!!

At this point, I donā€™t give a shit who did it first, I care about who is causing more shit and clutter on this forum vs whoā€™s cutting through the bullshit.

Good day sir.


The amount of mental gymnastics here is what is below most peopleā€™s dignity.

3D printed mods =! a new deck that encompasses new geometry as a solid piece.

Modern design is all iterative. See Scrub channel trucks. wink wink

Itā€™s like people building sand castles and whining about other people copying their sand castle designs.

None of this will matter in 5 years. The design details are secondary to availability and customer relationship. The latter is probably what you guys should focus on, given how much damage Frank has done to Trampaā€™s reputation. This doesnā€™t help your cause at all.

Be better, be bigger than this shit. The classy move wouldā€™ve been to join in on the tongue-in-cheek fun and post a date, not get your panties in a bunch and get defensive. It makes you look petty and like youā€™re just whining that competition exists.

How about you embrace it and keep innovating? Make something better than this. We welcome the innovation.

Signed, a long term customer who is pretty annoyed at this constant sore loser attitude from a company that should be better than this.


June the 14th,2019