Yet another question on HM10

Hi guys, just got my HM10 module and hook it up to my VESC. Got MTVESC100A from Maytech updated to 3.40. I did try to connect them with esc monitor, get a connection but no data, saw a thread about it, software need an update. Also tried with, guess it requires their module. Does anyone could point me on what I could use/do to retrieve my data without downgrading my VESC for a special FW ? Best regards. Z

you need to use ackmaniacs firmware and his app for it to work metr app works only with metr modules did you cross rx and tx cables?

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@Acido thanks for the fast reply. Yep crossed the cables. My mistake was to think we could use HM10 with all VESC FW. Not enough reading. Is there any other project under developpment ?

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