12s4p better late than never

Solder? Am I misreading the question

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Solder them directly to the nickel or solder it to a strip of nickel first and then weld it to the cells.

You should do some more reading I believe.

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ok ill compare the phase wires to my stripped 12s2p that i have sitting here. I saw that they could put on strips first, then spot welded to the battery. ill see if i can do that myself, i might just need more materials.i was concerned about directly mounting. reading is continuous. :laughing:

I think I got the idea now, yaaa I’m dumb…

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Is that done to avoid heating the batteries? I’ve seen a lot of people soldering thick wires onto the strips to take load off them but I always thought it was soldered after welding them to the batteries.

ya dont want to heat batteries. im just waiting on more nickle and ill take pics as i do it

But from the pictures I’ve seen I don’t see how they managed to solder it before welding. Will follow this thread so I can have a look at how you solve it :slight_smile:

i saved all my trimming scraps, should be able to reutilize and solder to them. ima give it a whack after i do some more homework. :slightly_smiling_face:

welds are not holding up, removing the kapton some are starting to peel off, postponed until i can get another welder :rage: im throwin it in the garbage once i get something different. i will still solder the leads and keep reading, till i get this sorted

Got a welder on the way thanks to @Exiledd_Top should be shipped out Monday. I’m very close to a hobby shop so I’ll grab a 3s next week. Both packs are done. I compared the voltages side by side and they are identical. This is good news, downside is my 420-5M-15 were not enough to length on tb218 with Marc mounts and the evolve at kit… so waiting for belts yet again… :sleeping:

@Exiledd_Top preesh for the quick delivery :1st_place_medal:

Once finals are out of the way this week I should be g2g

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Plan to follow this here. Looks like I need to figure out where to implement the eswitch. Also I will be moving away from the circular dc style charging plug as it was spark prone and slightly annoying. Having the arduino welder now, should make things easier, @Acido how u been :grinning:

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how do ya turn up the juice I got this thing working but it’s not doing real welds got a 3s source @Deckoz u have experience with these units?:sweat_smile:

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increase the number of pulses to like 3-4 and the thing to the right to 2-3 and lower the time to 2-4ms for welding to a battery and 5 for nickel to nickel also charge the battery fully :slight_smile:

The labeling makes it a little tough does this look better :rofl: lots of seconds and milliseconds floating around I probably need to charge it can’t find charger gahh​:neutral_face:

So I’m concerned 3s source @20c is maybe just not good enough

Hey, so on 3s with .15mm nickel


4.5-6A X2 or X3 1.5ms between pulses

The last number(2.9s is the time it waits before auto welding) adjust that to your comfort.

Well sideways not up and down, and press down to make good contact.




A is the big number in the middle… When the A is flashing. It’s really pulse length… And saying it’s in auto mode…

So big number middle is how long the well is. Multiplier is how many times to do that weld,and Ms is how long between the welds…

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ahh thanks i was searching for documentation seems there is a variety any reason it wont stop chirping haha

What? Lol chirping? Do you have the solder switch on ?

https://s.amsu.ng/cO9KbII1I7pN Might take a second for upload. A is flashing with c’

So fully charged 3s 20c . Could not manage to pull off a single weld…

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