12S8P 30q cells experiencing voltage sag?[solved] (fake cells)

he likely wouldn’t have a good rep here if he was going to rip you off or sell you junk.


Agreed lol. Just triple checking haha. Sounds good

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The cells i have now i got from liion wholesale, had to beg jon (owner) directly to let me get a bunch.

he probably wouldn’t be too happy to find out i’m undercutting his prices so don’t say nothing.


i see your order, it’ll be in the mail tonight.



You mean like… for example… posting about it on a public forum? lol

you must have gotten quite a bunch. I’ve never ordered more than 300 cells at a time.


You could just not sell individual cells and you wouldn’t have issues.


It sounds like if you were hitting minimum voltage before completely shut down.

How much volts are you charging your battery to? What charger did you get?

Just do a load and capacity test to tell if theyre legit. I skimmed thru the thread, couldnt find where you bought them. Care to tell us?

Added to the title of the thread so people wouldn’t keep trying to solve the issue

why not only added [solved] ?


Idk. Didn’t think of it. Really tired

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Thx, sorry ive been busy and didnt think to do that… but it does seem that no one ever reads the thread and just comments without looking lol

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It’s just a lot of words already :sweat_smile: no worries thou :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: