I really like using insert style pulleys, for a number of reasons. They keep the belts better aligned, they look cleaner aethetically, and they’re easy to swap out. The biggest trade off is the truck hanger modification that’s required, but it only takes about 20 minutes and its totally worth it.
So i paid a guy in Canada to design me some so i could use them in my builds. Thanks to his willingness to take my money, I now have models for the following:
10mm 33 tooth for Flywheels and clones 13mm 33 tooth for Flywheels and clones
10mm 34 tooth for Flywheels and clones 13mm 34 tooth for Flywheels and clones
10mm 35 tooth for Flywheels and clones 13mm 35 tooth for Flywheels and clones
10mm 37 tooth for Flywheels and clones 13mm 37 tooth for Flywheels and clones
10mm 38 tooth for Flywheels and clones 13mm 38 tooth for Flywheels and clones
and last but not least…
32 tooth for kegels in both 10mm and 13mm sizes.
So now kegels are an easy DIY upgrade option for your gen 1 raptors and all you have to do is get pulleys, kegels, and some f608ZZs from amazon. Or chop your calibers and use them on your own build.
Two things you need to do to use any of these insert style wheel pulleys:
1) get some F608ZZ flanged bearings from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=f608zz They’re dirt cheap and come by the 10 pack.
2) chop your truck hangers (unless you’re on a Raptor, which are already chopped for these kinds of pulleys) I have video on doing this for Evolve kegal pulleys. For my pulleys you need to take off 8mm of aluminum. You have to take more than that off for evolve pulleys which are a pain in the ass because the pulleys also have to be chopped, but that’s not relevant here.
Right now the only place i have them is on my shapeways store because the only way i can get them out there is to put them there for now. I have plans to have these injection molded in black nylon, starting with the Kegel pulleys. That’s still in the shopping phase at the moment so for now my Shapeways shop is the only place to get them. I know the prices are kind of high but it is shapeways, afterall… and i’m also trying to raise some money for motors, steel motor pulleys, mounts for Ronins, reliable e-switches, and other R&D stuff I have in the works.
YES these pulleys hold up. I’ve been testing the kegel and flywheel prints on my own board for a couple of months now. They work well and wear well. And they sound good, too.
The only reason i want to do nylon injection molded versions instead of sticking with these is because i want to bring the retail price down to under $20 per unit and offer free shipping to the US. So by buying these and trying them out you’ll be helping me do that.