Hello everyone! I made my first board about 5 months ago, there were a lot of mistakes and now i want to fix everything, get new electronics and build a new enclosure
Now i’m planing to buy bigger wheels and new controller
ESC Substitute:
Sprockets and chain:
3d Printed remote:
I also want to cut my board in shape of boosted board’s deck
That sprocket and chain setup is a 14:27 gearing, or a 1:1.91. This will result in a low torque/high speed board. Since you only have 1 motor, the motor will be running very inefficient and heat up quickly. On top of that your motor is a 280kv one, so it doesnt really have alot of torque from before, compared to a 190kv one for example
Yeah i know… I need to get second motor and I’m looking at this controller but i don’t know how good it is
I also bought 90mm flywheel clones for about 25$ with free shipping
The controller works, but obviously not as good as a Vesc. Its the same controller that is in all of the china boards. There is a big thread about it here on the forum
I’m gonna make my own new board… First i need to make the mold but i don’t have like a wood workshop and bunch of scraps around so i need to buy everything
I found this post with printable deck templates
The max speed is about 20km/h I got 10s battery and the rpm with 280kv motor should be around 11000 but the esc is limited to 6400rpm My solution is to get a lover kv motor (190kv) to increase the torq and the rpm should be around 7000, but with 90mm wheels and 14:27 ratio i hope I’ll get at least 30km/h
Is that this esc?
This listing but I think it’s all the same