90mm and 83mm 75a flywheels are available right now

I just purchased some abec 11 90mm 75a genuine flywheels on Amazon, i believe the seller has another 17 sets in stock at about $ 88 a set. Below are links. MuirSkate.com also has 83mm 75a genuines in stock as well as 90mm 75a’s if anyone is interested.

90 mm 75a genuine flywheels on amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B002UZP0EO/ref=dp_olp_new_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=new

90 mm 75a on Muirskate.com - sold out


83 mm 75a on Muirskate.com https://www.muirskate.com/longboard/wheels/1314/83mm-abec-11-flywheels-downhill-longboard-wheels


Thanks for the tip! BTW, the 90mm are out of stock at Muirskate now

I figured the muirskate stock would go fast as they can’t seem to keep these wheels on the shelf. Luckily there are still over 10 sets on Amazon available at roughly the same price. Whoever is interested should take the plunge sooner rather than later as these wheels always sell out quick as I’m sure you already know.