A little Spanish help please:)

Can a native Spanish speaker please tell me how to say “rosin core solder” and “solder flux”

I tried using google translate but no cigar :frowning:

If you can find me a shop in Barcelona where i can just go and buy it, you are officially a rockstar :slight_smile:


I don´t speak spanish but did you look amazon https://www.amazon.de/s/ref=glow_cls?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=solder&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Asolder


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I’m not from spain so I don’t really know where to buy it there. But you should ask for “estaño con resina” or just “estaño”. And I don’t know if there’s a Spanish word for flux I’ve always asked for “flux” but it’s not pronounced the same it’s like “flute” but with x at the end


Search for estaño para soldaduras electricas, nowadays every solder comes with flux

Even though im a native speaker I learned all this stuff in german…


but never bad to have some extra flux. especially if you solder nickle it´s very helpfull.

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There’s no such thing as too much flux


Yo hablo perfecto español. But…WTF is … ?


wow fast replies. Thanks everyone. So which one of these is good?

Google translate is doing literal translations I think so it makes no sense. LOL

60/40 and not lead free works for me

You dont use flux? or resin core solder?

Me neither, since I don’t know what those ‘solder things’ mean anyway? I can’t translate to spanish smthng I don’t have a clue what it is??

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I use both. For wires usually the solder with flux core is enough. If I solder on nickle or something which doesn´t want to heat up well I use flux too on top.

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I would look there, you have a lot to choose from

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Guys, I think I found a local shop


does this look right?

Seems fine :+1:t2:

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