Beginner DIY 10s4p battery questions

Hey guys it’s been a while since I’ve posted on this thread! Long story short I have a really crappy 10s2p battery driving my dual motor setup and it’s on its last legs. I’ve been running it for around 4 years now and I think it’s about time for an upgrade. I’m planning on making my own 10s4p battery using molicell p26As and if I bypass the bms with the main leads for peak discharge, doing my math correct that has a peak of around 140amps(just about). My motors can handle a little over 60 amps each according to VESC tool so my question is, if I were to set the absolute maximum limit to 120 amps, what kind of gauge wiring would I need battery side? Is it bad to run the motors near their peak amperage? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I never heard of p25A tbh. I only know about p26As. But if you’re using batteries with high amps, 10awg is your best bet.

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Oh shoot I meant p26as, I’ll edit my post lmao. And thanks!

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Oh okay. Wanted to know for sure. But yes, 10awg is your best bet. As for motors, going with the recommended is your safest bet. It’s not bad putting the vesc settings to near the amps the motors can handle. It’s bad if you go way above it however since it will overheat.

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