Bestech 10s BMS (UK)

Has anyone got a spare one sat in a drawer collecting dust?

Build is held up as the one I’ve got is toast :sob:

(60A charge and discharge)

Can pick one up new from here in the UK, on backorder though but saves the buying two limit in case no one else has anything.

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Available on backorder though

Edit, I look like an idiot now lol

Could also try get one from @DavidBanner at street-wing

But since that is listed as uncategorized he might not be selling them anymore. Best to ask first.

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Yes I tried Luke first, my motor came from him and its brilliant. No joy though, hoping someone has one kicking about they don’t need.

I might be ordering a 10S BMS at the end of this month from someone like Besttech

Yea unless anyone has any extra to sell, BesTech won’t be open again until around end of the month.

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There’s a group buy happening when bestech are open again, but that’s a while away

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Yes, that’s what I’m hoping as could do without waiting.

Could try hitting up They only have custom battery packs listed on the site but using Bestech BMS so might be willing to sell a BMS separately.
It’s run by a forum member too but I can’t remember the username unfortunately.

Back order too on the website.

For a whole custom made battery but could still have just the BMS about.

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I recently bought the 80A 10s one from this site, they are UK basedtoo. The seller was really nice and shipping to Luxembourg was pretty fast. Here is the 60a one:

Edit: note that this BMS is speced for Li-ion batteries. So it will work fine with Li-Po batteries for charging too, but the cutoff voltage for discharging is too low.


Cheers @Muke not cheap but in stock. Purchased.

True, considering the price difference of 7€ it may be worth it to go with the 80A one instead of the 60A.

I edited my answer to note that it is speced for Li-ion cells.

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