Cad Model for Spud?

Hey! I was wondering if anyone had a cad model of a jet spud?


Here you can find a pdf of the jet spud in the original side. You can insert it in fusion 360 as canvas and model it to get the deck.


Dang I can’t figure out how to do this… lol

Search for insert canvas in fusion360 on YouTube. Plenty of tutorials.

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It can’t insert a pdf as a canvas insert is what I’m seeing

I can now make rectangles consistently…lol xD


Have you read through the PDF templates thread?

Not yet just working on my skills in fusion… Trying to find the mechanics and how to do everything first

I mean the simple way is that you open the pdf then take a screen shoot or covert it as jpeg or png. You insert in fusion360. Then on the left you have the canvas in your body and components list. Right click on it and you find calibrate canvas. For instance on the long side, view from the top, you select the stsrt and end of the board, you get a bar with the current lenght, you change to 29 inch and you have correct size. Now you do the same for the other size and you have your templates. I’m my opinion the best way to make a skate deck is to make tto schatchs. One is a spline with the shape of the side of the deck and the other is the concave on the deck. Then you connect the two with a sweep function. Now you have the board and you only need to cut it with the outer edges of the other canvas from the top point of view. Like shown here They are 5 videos but if you do the same will get you to a noce result. Good luck


This is not a tinkercad operation, fusion360 + countless days of swearing if you have no 3D experience

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Well I am not saying that is the first thing you want to model. I am saying that when you know how to do a bit of CAD, then this would be the approach I would follow. In the other thread I first suggested him to start to follow YouTube classes and learn how to model basic solids and the different features.


FWIW if you want to 3D model the deck, what you do is import an image like @rey8801was saying, then get some strip with holes on it and lie it across the board (width-wise), prop it up at each edge and poke digital calipers through each hole and you can measure the distance through (i.e. measuring the distance from a flat surface to a curved surface), thus producing a profile. A 3D printer helps, but is not necessary.

Difficult to explain in text, requires a diagram but I’m at work :slight_smile: Also lots of Googling :smiley: