Charging a 9s3p battery HELP

Yea, i will also have a master switch to disconnect the batteries from the engine so i can push the board without problems (i think there could be some will do some research)

Unless you completely disconnect the motor from the VESC you could have problems, Iā€™d recommend having your board on when your pushing it.

Isnā€™t it when a motor runs like manually like when you spin it with your hand it creates electricity, is that electricity a problem here

Yes. The back-emf (the generated power) will power the vesc enough to turn it on, and then the vesc will try to brake. Itā€™s hard on the electronics.

You seem like an experienced guy, how could i solve this problem

The simplest way is to just physically disconnect the motor from the vesc if youā€™re going to push it manually. I personally donā€™t push, so my experience is limited in that respect.

I will just make one switch between motor and the esc and one between battery and the esc, also i did some calculations last night and the range would be 25km minimum if thatā€™s the minimum range i wont even do it since its enough for a day