Cheaper foot binding?

So, I love my new board but I still have a hard time without a kick tail. Is there a cheaper version of this available? Again, I’m city cruising so I’ve had some close calls navigating without the whole kick tail thing. Suggestions?

Zipties, Scrap cloth, Velcro, Boom Trampa foot binds

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You might look for some used MBS F4 or F5 ratchet bindings.


You might be able to make some out of some scrap metal. Won’t look as nice though

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Sometimes staring at the wall helps :yum: This should work with a bit of bending


What about taking an old pair of shoes and fixing them to the deck somehow. Heavy duty Velcro maybe?

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Besides the hood idea. Maybe a soft DIY option with belts like this or nylon straps with grommets. Not sure of durability though. Also I personally don’t like being locked in as running off would be impossible

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Another option may be to add a kick tail to your current deck. This will make it alot easier to do sharp turns and such

I use this thing and it works perfectly…

I’m going to look for something like this that may fit without so much bending

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Are you just looking for the rigid half hook Freebord type bindings, or would some soft adjustable mountainboard Velcro bindings work? Like these


I actually had a MBS Velcro set on the last board I parted with, but took them off ,roads in NYC bad and bindings saved me several times.


I ride NYC with straps all time. Only way I can do 40mph on such crazy streets. Old snowboarding straps is the way to go. Very cheap used on eBay.


Either one. I just need to be able to change direction a little faster than I can now.

I might actually have a similar belt that’s even stiffer lol.

I’m going to see what I can do with this belt. It’s been in my closet for probably a year without me touching it lol. Suggestions on securing it via the holes?

not sure what deck you have and how much room you have between the battery and bottom of deck. but bolts (under deck) and washers and wing nut (above deck) seems like it should work. The wing nut would allow easy adjustments and replacement of belt.

you just have to make sure the head of the bolt doesn’t dig into the battery…look for flat head ones


You might have to go from the bottom of the deck with taper head bolts. It will require removing the battery, a simple careful not to yank on the phase leads to hard. Depending on the way you ride. There may be hole already drilled. Goofy… for mbs Velcro bindings.

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