CLOSED (and broken) I had 90mm 75a Abec11 flywheels. Group-Buy. Genuine.15%of MSRP Discount. Taking orders $78 shipped USPS + 2.64 PP fee. USA 48. International $105 Shipped USPS+3.50 PP fee

im in also

I found out today that they have 20 sets of unicorns available! …Minus a coupe sets for me. SO 18 left for y’all I will also save $ by picking them up directly. So you only pay the shipping from me to you.

$70 + shipping from Riverside,Ca. 92507. ********Price change edit

I need to research shipping. Flat rate USPS might be a good choice? Or UPS.

The word is, Chris from Abec is a stickler for quality and these are not his trademark bright green but a darker green. So he stuffed 'em away.Urethane quality is still top notch. Color is darker.

Are they discounting them since they have the color thing?

I’m up for a set! USPS flat rate is likely the cheapest…

Do you need a PM or is this good enough to hold a set?

Let me know when and where to pay and I’ll shoot you the $$$.

I’ll take a set.

I’ll take a set.

I’ll take a set as well.

Yeah. They are discounted. Just check Daddies shop. They retail for like 82 bucks plus shipping. These are 15 percent off and in stock. Oh I forgot about my cash discount I worked over on them today. The official deal is $70+$8 shipping $78 bucks total shipped anywhere in USA 48 if paypal as a gift(friends fam) OR $80.65 with paypal coverage(Goods and services) Shipped USA I will ship international if you figure out who to ship with. Cost will change so PM me.

Send $78 bucks as a gift(friends fam) or 80.65 with paypal coverage(Goods and services) to me on paypal by using this link. Please put your forum username in the payment notes and I will create a running log of peeps in the first post of this thread. First paid First served. I will go drive to pick them up next week then ship em out. (This is the payment link. Pay here.)

@smurf @DilatedPupils @ArmandR @Mikeomania12 @Mobutusan @themegak @jmasta @headrec

Payment sent. Thanks for finding these and sharing.

Payment sent. Thanks.

Ok, I will take some, let me figure out the shipping cost to Stralia and will get back to you asap!

I want to be clear with you guys that I am making a little commission on these wheels for my troubles. I am remembering Jlabs taking some heat for not making that clear on his buy. I hope that is understandable. If anyone who has already paid needs to change anything just PM me otherwise Ride on!

@anon42702729 USPS is 35 USD but enertion used DHL to get a box to me so maybe they are cheaper.

Just sent some cash for a set sent to FL. Thanks

Payment sent. Thanks for your efforts!

holy crap. Payment sent ! You the man. When did you say these will be shipped ?

Yeah I always make sure to state it now, good call on your part…

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Payment sent thanks

Payment sent. Thank you

Thanks got your payments. Let me know if you don’t see yourself in the first post count. Im going to pick them up after christmas then send em out by like middle of next week. :+1:

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