Constructive Criticism and Intellectual Property Ethics

Do you even know Brian?

It’s prime esk8 Elk Hunting season in N. Korea. Man’s gotta feed his family, bruh. He’s off into the night.


No thread shall interupt Brian’s deep sleep, no matter what it is, except my pink electric flywheels😶


He seems so technical and serious based on his posts. I’d pay to see him get high. LOL:joy:

Most of you are like him but fucking hilarious. Not that he’s not. He’s most of the time 90% bitch face on. Cool dude tho. Helps a bunch of noobs and me out.


Not sure what is going on but really sad to see the heat and approach :frowning:


This thread is confusing me greatly, @brenternet what does is all mean?

So improvised copies… lol



he’s busy doing communist shit. Don’t question the whereabouts of the supreme leader.

isn’t he just adorable?


I personally like the hairstyle in the image :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually Jason and Brian are the same person in reality and sometimes the effort of maintaining an argument with themselves can be overwhelming. Paranoid schizophrenia is not only hard to spell but also hard to keep up with. Keep watching and one will emerge.


Save as many as you can brother

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Can I reply to this comment with a computer made of only select cuts of meat? No… and no


That was fun.

I miss all the good stuff.

This is me. Middle of the night scrolling through this epic clash of Esk8 Titans.


Lol. Bunch of nerds, the lot of you. Love it.


@onloop, the fake Superstar thread is still online, with a company advertising their fakes, even using our copyright product images… I told moderators to delete these images, since these are our images and are used without our approval to market 1:1 fakes of a poor quality. According to the suggested standards, we should exclude the fake offering company from the forum and delete the content. Especially if such companies are so ruthless to say that they are our supplier, suggesting you can have the same quality for cheaper.

I would expect those things to be deleted immediately, showing fakers that we don’t accept that. Innovation can only happen if innovators can profit from their innovations. We have users here openly advocating fake products.

In general I can understand Jason’s wish to focus on constructive and positive feedback, rather than taking a personal pick on someone.


Absolutely, 100% support this; that company is using Trampa’s photographs in their advertisement on this forum for fake product.

If an Asian vendor posts a dual 4.12 ESC in an orange, plastic box and calls it a UNI-T, with a link to purchase - is that okay to leave up?


It was a member who found the sungate wheels and posted the link after he found it, it wasn’t the Sungate company that started the thread, they came in after to answer questions.

Are members not allowed to post potential cost saving buys?

If that’s the case, what about the surf-rodz post with different companies being used for spacers, axles, and bearings?


Apples to oranges.

This is someone who is blatantly using copyrighted images and trademarked branding to promote their products while leveraging from the real thing.

Believe me, I’m not one to jump in and defend Frank, but TRAMPA isn’t wrong in this one. If they had not violated basic copyright and trademark laws, and it was just a clone, it would be a different story.

Using different consumable hardware on trucks isn’t even on the same plane. It would have to be a complete knockoff SurfRodz truck being marketed as the real thing to be similar


It wasn’t the vendor who posted the link, it was @brenternet I don’t think he’s a vendor for sungate, is he?

You’re confusing the messenger with the content. The content matters, it doesn’t matter who brought it here.

When I say “this is somebody” I was referring to the clone manufacturer, not my boyfriend @brenternet (we’re going steady now, haaay)


What about all the Kegel and abec clones then?

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Good morning everyone! Fuck.