Could someone help me with pairing my remote

I am trying to pair my remote to my VESCs, but I can’t get the remote to register any input on my laptop. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong, but if anyone may now anything please let me know.

VX2 Pro remote from M Boards, A FSESC 4 50A Based on VESC4 from M Boards (but it is no longer listed on the website), and a FSESC 4.12 50A Based on VESC4.12 from FLIPSKY.

For the connecters:

I have a Bluetooth Module 2.4G Wireless Based upon the nrf51_vesc project to connect the VESCs to my phone, the Bluetooth module that came with the VX2 Pro remote, and a CAN connector to link up the VESCs.

for pairing I have set up the FOC with and without the remote Bluetooth module. I have also tried the pairing with the VESCs with taking the receiver off through different steps of the process.

setup pic

pairing pic

pairing pic #2

pairing pic #3

and for a full pairing video, if anyone knows anything please let me know

thank you if you have any advice, but thank you.