Does anyone else’s remote have spotty connection when riding by traffic lights/ intersections

im starting to wonder if its my transmitter thats the actual issue =/ yesterday at home I literally got done reorganizing my case and electronics… re ran motor detection…re did ppm and went for a long ride… maybe 2/3rds of the ride done i made a stop and my motors were getting a “go” signal while the trigger was at zero… (this isnt a trim issue) …braking made it stop and after a few trigger pulls things settled… so i get home… re config ppm setting just in case…test it out and make sure all is good.

this AM as i leave for work i turn the board on… then the tx and the wheels start running like wtf… i reconfig ppm real quick just in case…all looks good and head out the door… right off the bat supper choppy throttle all the way to train station… fml

will have to limp cautiously to work, but when this mini remote arrives I may just try binding it to the gt2b receiver first to see what happens, if anything

Check ppm cable and/or splitter too. The mini remote has cheap pots and switches, I don’t expect them to last forever. Would be nice to swap out the pot for hall sensor but that’s a bit too much for me.

thats a thought, although not sure how i would test to verify if the one in my gt2b is faulty… or replaceable… mini arrives today…woo hoo… so tomorrow is a new day to cross all my fucking favorite manhattan dead zones

Oh gt2b? Just to reiterate, I found that in manhattan gt2b and mini drop out in the same places, but mini reconnects in a fraction of a second while gt2b takes like 1-2 seconds. This makes all the difference.

I used to have a brief dropout occasionally at like 32nd and 7th, and maybe 40th and 8th, but not recently.

yeah in the beginning all was good…

then 28th and 6th…

then one day I had to roll thru time square from GC and got cut outs crossing 6th and 7th west on 42nd…

now its like always on 41st and park (southbound)… kinda spotty down park till about 32nd… oddly when I head north on park same route no issue =P

Unfortunately, my experience has been different… not sure if mine was defective or not, but I was getting random delays. I really do love the remote itself, though.

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Lame, that’s unfortunate. I am hoping the Hoyt remote is bangin’

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Well day 1 with the mini is good and 2/2 on my problem areas…no issue today heading down park…and I crossed 28th and 6th on purpose to see issue… More testing needed =P I do miss the trigger throw of the gt2b and my thumb really wants to hold the mini remote where trim knobs are so may have to glue them in place and cover with tape so I dont accidentally move anything

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mini has been flawless so far the last couple weeks… just ordered a new FS receiver off amazon to test and see if that was the real source of the issue…

You shred my hometown lol. Bham born and raised, moved to Shelby in 95, and now in Co since 2015. I wasnt born for the south. Glad to see the real south is so widely invovled in esk8.

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FYI I couldn’t solve the constant drop outs of the Maytech MTSKR1712 in the city that’s why I switched to steez (Maytech MTSKR1512) remote and had not a single drop out in the same areas.

Unfortunately the steez is expensive but very reliable on my 2 builds. The only dangerous thing is that when you push down the thumb throttle (cruise control) at 0% throttle the remote enters pairing mode and you loose any control until you push it again.