Elofty Direct Drive

Another option evaluated by the community, great :slight_smile:

There are too many items out there that look good but are just trash :joy:

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So I finally got my package from elofty this Monday…

Recorded a video of me unboxing it while coming down with a very bad case of the flu+pneumonia which currently has me admitted in a hospital… yay!

Here is the link of the somewhat unflattering unboxing video, I apologize in advance for the shitty commentary :sweat_smile: https://youtu.be/e59u-CVtKvQ

so i guess a small delay in getting this built up by my boi @ARetardedPillow due to being hospitalized for a few days, but health is numba wun prioritay :innocent::innocent::innocent:

Anyhow, here are a few pics of the drives… pretty cool in person.

BUSHINGS need a swap ASAP… wow, I’m a big boi at 230-240 with gear on, and these are tightened quite a bit and very CARVY… I prefer my DKP setup on evolve all stock then otang purple nipple barrels on street side x1 on each truck… adds perfect stability for speed and maneuvering imo.

overall, they feel great in hand, will have a ride video within the next few weeks I hope and it will be met with good reviews.

This is basically gonna be the new carvon that isn’t super hard to get and only half the price… a clone of the speed drive v4, according to Anna…


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Also Really shows you how DD is the way of the future… quick swappable AT kit coming soon :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

torque might be an issue, but then again, you could go for a 4wd and spend less then what a real Carvon v4 speeddrive would cost ya. And get it much quicker too!!!


Impressive piece of kit; on initial unboxing, +1 to everything @never4getf150forums states above (and get better soon bud!)


Congrats! Cool to see more of these out in the wild. Get better soon and looking forward to hearing your riding impressions.


I tried his idea. I think stability has increased. and I added a riser to prevent the wheel bite.


Honestly sorta thinking about tradition king pin setup…

Would make this thing far more stable, and just a little bit less weight too which is nice…

Also more LOW, great for adding some character to the underside belly



It actually rides great at a lower stance, and with my 110s coming soon, should be a great ride height/clearance combo.

Definitely worth a try.


whats the diameter of those grey wheels? How are they, good?


Looks awesome. DHL tracking says I’ll receive mine tomorrow. Pretty excited.

BTW, how much did you pay for all the wheels including the airless 6" ones.

EDIT: Just realized that the pic with 6" wheels not yours, they are from the vendor.




ooh la la

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90 MM and Kenna is shipping the best kind of surprise; this is excellent soft, grippy and uniform thane that features a wider contact patch than the Popocoa and Caguama.

If I had to guess: 73a and the thane feels more Seismic than Labeda.

For me, Orangatang 77a’s have become a lot less interesting.

I will reserve judgement until I see them under torque, yet, incredibly, eLofty might be my new favorite 90 MM thane.

TB 110s arrive tomorrow.


Wow! When will this group buy happen again? :joy: Hopefully during summer? :thinking:


That’s a pretty significant footprint upgrade. So cool to have more good Kegel options. My 110 set will be here soon, and yet I want three of these in 100mm.

Also dying to get your ride impressions. No rush as long as you report back within 10-15 seconds.


Thanks my friend. :slight_smile: Our next step is to see our eLofty board complete 2-3 BAESK8 group rides, with a 180lb pilot.

I do believe that the Bay Area’s unique combination of uphill / downhill grades with Soviet-era asphalt gives us a unique proving ground for stuff like this.

If it works out, I think we can do a group buy at cost recovery as soon as you guys want to



Admittedly, eLoftys are the first Chinese wheels, ever, that I stripped from a complete, went to my tried-and-trues… and felt a degradation in performance. Ever.

Promising find, @BillGordon!


Hot damn. Everything I hear about these bad boys just keeps getting better.

Shhh, wallet! Go back in your pocket!.. hey… HEY!!!


I wonder if we could get a special run of those Kenna wheels in 100mm+, the wide contact patch is super useful for larger cracks in roads


Kenna is the person we talk to from eLofty


Oh my bad, well whatever wheels those are we need them!!!

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