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During early testing i realised i could improve the thumbstick design to ensure a smoother motion back & forth and also to prevent the thumbstick from being compressed down into the case when force is applied.

now i have implemented a post & rail system to ensure smooth motion.


Thatā€™s pretty awesome designing the transmitter. Looks like fun. I like the thumb lever. Are u looking for requests? Can u make the extra switch do something.

Because people have been hurt and tricked way to many times. People asked if this was a winning clone for a month without answer, its not that hard to believe thereā€™s something odd if thereā€™s no answer to a very simple question.


In your situation itā€™s due to the vagueness.

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@onloop Itā€™s due to users falling on their a$$ or face for reasons not related to stupidity in their part.

Like I mentioned multiple times, Iā€™ve had disconnections while trying to brake. If you were approaching a red light at just 10mph and you have no brakes, you may be able to walk away unscathed, but the board might keep going into traffic. Or in some cases it brakes when you didnā€™t expect it and throws the user into traffic,

This means many of us Winning remote users are not truly enjoying the DIY, but going slowā€¦might as well have all gotten the Ego.

I do appreciate the update, you really shouldā€™ve just said new firmware and board to begin with

That said, it doesnā€™t mean the issue is resolved. Letā€™s just hope the design flaws in the winning are addressed in this iteration. Only time will tell, but I definitely wonā€™t be an early adopter.

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@Skitzor you wanted to see how it looks like on the inside haahahh its not a winning

Every Esk8er should learn to footbrake. Especially if skating in traffic.


I know how to foot brake at roughly 12mph, hence not enjoying the full power thatā€™s offered with a DIY, itā€™s the unexpected part of the remote that would drive me nuts. Plus, I donā€™t like wearing down just one shoe

Itā€™s mainly a backup if your brakes stop working due to a dropped connection. If youā€™re going 18mph on a belt drive and release your throttle, you will be down to 12mph on flats pretty quickly. So you can employ your footbrake then if your remote fails.

Any remote can lose connection, so we shouldnā€™t be 100% relying on them to stop us anyways. Obviously a remote that doesnā€™t ever drop connection is better and safer, but the fear of a drop connection shouldnā€™t be what stops you from going faster than an EGO. I push faster than my EGO.

Glad for more information on it. Iā€™m very excited on getting my hands on my pre-order. :slight_smile:

Is this an Bluetooth Controller ? which version is working in it ?

Bluetooth 4.2 would be nice because it needs very low energyā€¦

Any updates yet? It said stock arrives after Sept 20, and for me in Australia, itā€™s almost the 21st. Are there any more pictures? Or any videos of it in action lately? @onloop replied a week ago, but we havenā€™t seen the full finished product yet.

Curious to see if these has a more stable connection than the Winning remotesā€¦ Iā€™d be up for a EU group buy.

We made some last minute changes that required parts of the mold to be modified & my china factory went on holidays for 4 days, so sadly we are behind schedule.

I hope everyone is happy to wait for a better product?

ALSO, due to some doubt surfacing in the community about the reliability I have decided to do a public beta test process before shipping the orders, I will be sending a few of the final prototypes out to people who can test it in a unique environment. Hopefully ill get these out early next week. Ill be sending one to @Michaelinvegas and a few other senior esk8 members, only after they confirm the product is ok will i ship the orders.

more photos




I lOVE that you are doing public beta testing. I think this is going to pay off huge for you.


Yeah, Iā€™m still really unsure about pre ordering, I really love the design and the fact that itā€™s a thumb wheel sort of remote, but Iā€™m not sure about how reliable it is, after what happened to the winning remote. On the other hand, if I pre order now, I get it for a pretty nice price. Hopefully the beta testers will come out with reviews before the sale ends.

Well, it is very important to get a reliable remote. Therefore i can understand your fear.

but onloop has delayed the current orders to make a beta test. If the beta test fails i dont think he will just sells the broken productsā€¦ why should he make a beta test when he does not care about the result.

That being that i highly assume that if there is any mayor problem like reliablity or so he will delay the preorders again and make sure that everything is okay! So you dont need to worry to get a reliable product with this preorder!

My 2 cents.

I guess so. He mentioned that some of the ā€˜senior esk8 membersā€™ will get the beta, so I expect people like longhairedboy and probably some mods to give an honest review about whether the product should be sold or not. I think Iā€™ll go with it, since I havenā€™t really seen a remote like it yet in the market, and itā€™s exactly what Iā€™m looking for.

I have areas I know the winning remote has problems in but havenā€™t been contacted about beta testing. I wouldnā€™t mind testing it out myself.