Esk8 Helmet - Why I don't use it so often?

Hello guys,

I started skating 1.5 years ago and never used an helmet, my last board was not so powerful and i always drove slow as I couldn’t drive so fast.

At the moment I built a powerfull DIY board and bought an helmet and I find myself often not wearing it.

I want to share my thoughts about it and learn from your experience.

This is my helmet:

When I drive I constantly look to my board, I like to make sure my feet are in the right position so I don’t get wheel bite or step outside of the board by mistake. I find extremly hard to do this while wearing a full face helmet as I need to turn my head almost 90º downwards.

I am also thinking that the weight and visibility factors the helmet causes, will prevent me from having a controlled fall in case I fall down. I know the helmet is very important and I would like to get used to wearing it that is why I write you this post. Maybe my helmet is not ideal for esk8.

Those Downhill helmets with the long chin make it able that one looks down to his feet without obstruction ?

Downhill helmets have better visibility.

If anything, at least get a simple half dome.


You need TSG Pass helmet. And it doesn’t matter how fast you go, is car drivers that can hit you. So always wear a full face helmet.


I was thinking about selling my helmet to someone or give it to a family member. Original price was ~80€. Actually I only chose this one because it looks similar to the Ruroc helmet everyone was talking about.

I guess I didn’t noticed any comments about visibility issues of a full face helmet.

I just started wearing a helmet for the first time in my life in the past year. Ive owned a bunch of different ones but I’m that guy that wears them for a block and then end up taking it off. The TSG pass has been great. I forget im wearing it.


If weight and visibility is an issue get smaller, lighter helmet like this one. ANYTHING is better than no helmet.

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Brain can for basic rides, full face for speed.

I have to say, looking at the board is like watching yourself type. Don’t do that. You should practice your stance and learn to feel where you are on the deck, use footstops if you want.


I recommend this one

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HAHAHAH, its happens to everyone eventually :slight_smile:

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Be an ambassador, people definitely will give you an easier time if you always wear a helmet.

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Get some gloves too lol… This aint the matrix, i promise when u go down it happens fast… U get a split second to make some reaction not react to every part of your fall…

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I have been skating for as long as i can remember… What I can tell about people who constantly looks at their boards is that they aren’t not confident in riding.basically driving but looking at the pedals. It’s not safe, your not going to gain the confidence you need to maneuver through traffic or a crowd if you look at your feet. Wear a helmet for your safety always, whether half of full face.

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Get a New Olders helmet instead! I think they are a little bit cheaper, but offer WAY more customization. I got mine made out of carbon fiber and custom colors and it was under $400 shipped. That’s pretty unbeatable. Their non carbon fiber helmets are significantly cheaper (obviously)