i’m creating a leaderboard to compete individually or as a team-country. any electric skateboard is welcome, doesn’t matter if you ride a DIY or evolve, boosted, metroboard, whatever…
website http://esk8race.com (alpha version, it can be very buggy)
how does it work? http://esk8race.com/how_work/
where does the data come from http://www.sports-tracker.com/? https://www.endomondo.com/ https://www.strava.com/?
i recommend you to use strava if do you want to keep your privacy and don’t show all your activities as public.
(maybe in a future i will add more plataforms, but is not easy to get the raw data of the activities)
Long story
i got this great idea from a facebook group Evolve Skateboard Owners, Max Chin publishes every week a screenshot of a leaderboard using the app sports tracker, something like this
i tried to implement the same idea with some friends in Spain, but it sucks… the feature of leaderboard only is visible on the iphone version of sports tracker app. (android FTW)
and if you want to check the leaderboard you have two options: 1- wait to see an screenshot from the leaderboard admin 2- each user has to follow or add as a contact everyone in the list to be able to see the same leaderboard members.
so i’m working on an idea like this but with more features because they only can compete by “ridden time”
compete by distance ridden
compete by top speed reached
compete by total ridden time
compete by ridden distance, top speed reached and ridden time as a team-country
do you want to join us?
check the instructions below http://esk8race.com/how_work/
very important, you need to complete your sports tracker profile with username, country, location or esk8race won’t read your profile and check your spam inbox to click the validation email.
future crazy ideas
get the data from other plataforms.
check leaderboards from previous months.
create your own group to compete with the group members or as a team with other groups.
compete by city not just by country.
create events and check events near you.
any feedback it will be apreciated, if you have a problem send me a private message
do you have an DIY electric skateboard?
please check my another website http://esk8builds.com and add your own