Europe GB - CLOSED!

Ok ill try and calculate it tonight

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Good stuff what do i owe mate? BTW other package arrived :gift: :tada:


Looking forward to a nice little package :grinning::+1:t2: Think you got the adresse On PayPal and PM. I have sent extra money, I hope it covers it.

I might have jumped the gun. Did I mention that Iā€™m keen for the parts!?

I will happily send a little more if necessary and Iā€™m looking forward to receiving the package!

I believe you have my address from PayPal but Iā€™ve sent you a message to be sure, thanks!!

Feel free to send whenever :slight_smile: Good work mate!

Lol, ill send the DHL payment tomorrow morning, then it should come on Monday I have no control over the battery shipping but at least that effects the minority.

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Double check the spreadsheet the people that i just tagged and then send me your addresses again if not ill just look for it :slight_smile:

Depends do you want first class or second class?

If anyone wants some belts give us a shout and i might slip one in


Belts are always useful! Did you order any extra stuff? If you have another mount Iā€™d possibly jump on that.

I ordered some extra stuff, some extra stuff for example, wheels, trucks, motors,vescs CNC stuff

I reckon i might have another mount left over

Maybe do you have some different Kv than 190? Because how about 190kv for 7s? Someone in the group maybe can throw some light on it? Thanks

All my motors are 190KV if think @sirdiff wanted to do a 7S 190KV at one point

All my motors are 190KV

Yeah I wanted to, but ended up buying a 10s3p from this group buy. Anyway, it should still give you about 30km/h, with these specs{ā€œbatt-type-lipoā€:0,ā€œbatt-cellsā€:7,ā€œmotor-kvā€:190,ā€œsystem-efficiencyā€:80,ā€œmotor-pulley-teethā€:15,ā€œwheel-pulley-teethā€:36,ā€œwheel-sizeā€:90}| (sorry, Iā€™m from mobile and canā€™t reduce the link length) If youā€™re new here, it should be okay. It would, for me. Be sure to have a battery with a sufficient discharge rate

Thanks, that was very useful, I will look for 270kv or similar :sweat:

@ajaynagra How many belts are included with mount + pulleys?


10 char