Evolve GT change battery?

Hello everyone,

I have read many messages about the bamboo gt, which goes to the ECO mode automatically when the battery is less than 50% and after traveling only about 10 km. Is this problem because of the capacity of the battery or the heat of the motors? What would be the best way to expand the battery? In Europe I have only found Kevin Dark’s fabrications but no found official stores that sells Evolve battery replacements. How is it possible to travel 20 miles with a bamboo gt in FAST and GT modes without limitations?


Kevin Dark makes Evolve batteries all day long. You won’t regret it

^ for EU customers, right? LHB(longhairedboy) is someone who offers evolve battery upgrades in the US

How far can I travel with a 10s6p package? Will I have any limitations on the FAST and GT modes? Thanks!

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I have no response from Kevin dark. Any other site in the Europe where to build an update for evolve?