F/S - Pure Nickel Strip 10mm x .15mm

I picked up a kilo for my last build and some to spare for this n that… but way more than I need… I gave it my stringent salt-water-for-a-day-test and passed with flying colors =P I took a picture but deleted it by accident…

At any rate… whats fair?? $1/ft?? You pay shipping and friends n family.

Shipped from US 06854 if you want to calculate… first class i assume is cheapest… Local pickup available if youre in the NYC area…


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Did you sand or grind this down and put it in salt water to test for pure nickel?

yep… thats the second sentence lol

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Fuck. Thats cool. I can’t read. It makes foruming a real PITA.

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here…outta all the pics I delete…or decide to save… this ones for you!


Where do you buy a kilo from? Thinking of stocking some for myself.

Yes please hehe