First build | 6" pneumatic | RKP 273 | dual SK3 6364 245kv | homemade mounts | 12s | dual VESC

I think it has turned up that Samsung 30Q are actually a bit better (less sag and all) but you should ask this sort of stuff from @PXSS … Otherwise yeah, @barajabali can step in and recommend what cells for what setup to best get

Though the 30Q ones are a bit pricier… but also offer about 400-500mah more (depending on discharge)

Chart: 25R vs 30Q:

– 30Q vs Sanyo GA

25R seems to come at arond 2.2-2.3Ah when discharged at 5A or so… In comparison, 30Q seems to give off about 2,7-2.8Ah, so yeah ~0.4-0.5 ah more per cell.

Also, for eboards the cells probably wont be discharged till 2.5v… so a somewhat good cut-off at load might be at 2.8-3.0v probably.

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The reason I suggest not to use samsung 25Rs is because they really are no better than Sanyo GA cells, which have 3500mah capacity, power wise even though they are rated twice as high. The best power cell avail is VTC6, samsung 30Q is similar but cheaper.


Good info. My packs from @barajabali have been great and are performing very well. several 8s and 10s packs.


Thanks! I will start my li-ion research soon…

I love the idea of getting some of your wheels, trust me. Those things are works of art. Unfortunately I’ve welded my motor mounts in place, so I don’t know if they would fit on the trucks and still have room in between the motor mount for the pulleys (I’m using your awesome trucks of course). I checked out your website last night and it looked like you have newer wheels designed too, but I couldnt see a picture (might have just been because I was on my phone). If your wheels work with my existing hodge podge of a mechanical setup I’ll definitely buy some. Otherwise I may see how expensive it is to make some metal ones of my own that are just replicas of the plastic hubs I’m using. I have a little bit of 3d designing experience, asks might be able to pull it off. And if that doesn’t work I’ll just buy your wheels and all new everything!! Bwahahaha

Wow, great info I really appreciate it!

So good to have someone just hand me this information…much gratitude :grin:

My wheels are designed for use with versapulleys. They are adjustable width wise. Also my V1 wheels are centerset. V2’s are offset by about a 1/2 inch. This allows more room for 15mm pulleys. I think you’d be able to use them with your set up.


Ok, I definitely gotta check numbers out and stuff cause if your v2 wheels will work I want in!