First Build - Logbook - Hub? VESC? Batteries? I`m overwhelmed

So i want to build my first board, this are the specs i want to achieve:

Top speed: 30 km/h | Range: >30km | Hub Motors, because “water resistant” ?

What i got:

Me: 75kg, 173cm | This board: Budget: not a lot | somewhat soldering skills

Also: Where i live its pretty much flatland and i don’t plan on hill climbing. I plan to 3D-print every housing housing. I´ll use this board a lot, so quality of components should not be crappy.

I got a rough idea of everything i need, but i still have no idea what exact motor to buy, how many batteries i need for this speed and range and which vesc i suited for this use case.

I’m happy for any helpful information you guys can provide me, thanks

The only hub motor that can compete with a proper diy belt, gear, direct, or chain drive is @Hummie’s. It’s a quality piece of machinery and has been tested pretty well by some highly respected members here.

The waterproof hub thing is simply not true. It’s a quick and easy setup but you have your motors that much closer to the ground. It all comes down to how well you waterproof your components.

There are lots if esk8 calculators for range and speed here, search up top and you will find them.

We are a similar weight so I can say a 10s battery will do you just fine.

Glad to have you here bud! Welcome to the best hobby/lifestyle out there period.


Not really my friend @venom121212. This :point_down: monster can compete (‘obliterate’ maybe the correct word) any Hub motor in the world today and perhaps 90% of all the known belt driven boards on the planet. Its name: Airless 4WD manufactured by On-ix. 50 mile range; 40mph top speed; 4 Hub motors; 115mm spiderweb pattern airless, 80mm wide wheels; 13 kgs; 12s8p battery; 8kw; $1300.









Dwarf my 39" inch 4WD hub motor Acton Qu4tro like a rabbit next to a wolf…




Game over, girls!

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Waterproof Hubmotors look like this! 20190217_093325


I’ll be honest, I saw this one posted the other day, clicked the thread, saw how hideously shaped the deck is, and clicked out.

I hope the specs are really that fantastic! How many miles do you have on it? What’s the actual range? If they could just make it look better, I’d be interested!


It’s nice that it works strong but there’s no impressive feat given it’s an AWD. I’m more interested to see how it fights again other AWD boards and if they plan to sell these hubs for DIY (which I kinda doubt cause it might not do service to the board itself).

Let’s see how the 2WD version copes with the rest ! Should be a better benchmark.

Note that OP only wants a reliable board able to go 30 km/h, that’s nowhere a beast setup :beer:


no, wait… there is one last joker… do i see here an integrated heat sink in the hanger??? oooh ohhhhh oooonlooop…:rofl:

but seriously did you drive the average board or the pro board? I think that is a big difference as well.

Did somebody of you opened up the hubs after like 500km of riding? would be interesting to see how they look inside after that.


Thats nice to know, if thats the case i might consider going with belt

The plan is to build more of a transportation device, than a adrenalin toy. Also, i could never fit this in my budget ^^

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Your forgot the enertion hubs…

**I have both so I’m not biased :grin:

Didn’t know they made hubs… I see their direct drive though :wink:

Don’t make me call @b264


:rofl: :upside_down_face:

To be entirely fair enertion even refers to them as direct drive hub motors :thinking:


I think we can give them a pass, but if it don’t have gears it ain’t a DD

Everybody gets one

Hmmmmmm 40mph ay? I can tell by the photos of your 2WD board in your post that that must be legit and tested by you. May I have some complimentary snake oil and a Carvon Evo 2WD to go with my order?

In all seriousness though these hubs 100% will not beat a set of Hummies in terms of performance. I also wish these sites would stop claiming “6kw of power” when the battery and ESC clearly can not support it.

@MonteToast I would concentrate on buying some goot quality parts like a Vesc (Ollin/Enertion), get a good samsung 30q pack at 10s which will support the speed you want and whatever drive train you prefer. Do a bit of research and come back to us with what you find and I’m sure you will be met with some very critical analysis and arguments that will lead to the perfect build for you :stuck_out_tongue:

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While I agree its pretty odd that this ‘crazy new revolutionary’ company rose overnight and is now being preached in this thread by someone


isnt really an argument against them, and more so an argument against the way the market has been created :thinking:

Plenty of board makers say their boards supply (max motor wattage) x 2.

Another piece of adverisement woowoo is the 4x higher than average electric acceleration on pro mode - What is the average? What ‘acceleration’ do you mean? 0-15mph? The whole powerband?

Do you see what I mean? Its just fluffy marketing BS

I want to know more, I want to see videos, photos and diagrams on this new board

At the very least, they give ( what I would assume to be) fairly honest and accurate ratings when it comes to battery range and what not. That alone inspires hope for me, as that is the easiest field to just cobble shit together and lie to the consumer

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Yep that sums up my opinion pretty well. Either way this is a discussion for a different thread.


Hmmmmmm 40mph ay? I can tell by the photos of your 2WD board in your post that that must be legit and tested by you.

Which one you said? There was two 4WD and one 2WD we tested last wenesday.


and is now being preached in this thread by someone

The nick is @pixelsilva, not ‘someone’ nor ‘dude’… I can settle with Bro or Pix if you like, been member two years in this joint… @anon64938381 :no_mouth: …and I’m preaching shit. Just tested the mtrfckr …and …thats …it!

You want to shreed this board (like you guys always do)? go on boys, is all yours. Disect the fcker, thats what you love to do, no?

I tested this board and you don’t. I’ve feel it and you don’t. I’ve seen it and you don’t. Until you test it, you feel it and see it, then you can bring your acid coments, you end of the world reviews, your nasty opinions. Until then all is speculative. So thats what we should take all your opinions: speculation. :zipper_mouth_face:

Pix out.

@mmaner @anorak234 can you split this thread so that it doesn’t get hijacked any more than it already is?