First-time Build | DIY Boosted Replica | Long-distance rather than high-speed build

Hey all,

Recently found my way to this forum, and must say, have learnt more these past few days than I have months watching YouTube videos and reading all the Instructables under the sun about this topic!

I’ve wanted a Boosted Board for a long time now, but cannot afford one by any stretch of the imagination. So, when you can’t buy one, build one!

I have been greatly inspired by the following builds;

1.- @squad -> click here to view project 2.- @Eboosted -> click here to view project

I do apologise for the excessive amount of questions that I will ask, please bear with me, I am a complete novice at all this :slight_smile:

These are my parts so far (none bought, all just theory at this stage. Would rather have everything laid out before spending money):

  • Boosted Board Clone
  • Wheels, truck, belt, etc.
  • Motor Bracket
  • Undecided on motors
  • Undecided on VESC/ESC
  • Preferably a 6S battery, as prices for 8S & 10S batteries and accompanying equipment seems to skyrocket compared to 6S.
  • Not sure how to make enclosures, not sure if anybody has made 3D printer files for boosted-like enclosures and wouldn’t mind sharing them (for a price if need be)

Please let me know if I’ve missed anything from the core build, and what I can do to improve the specs, budget is just to keep it as cost-effective as possible.

If there are any errors, please feel free to correct, and let me know what you guys think! :slight_smile:


What’s your budget?

As close to $500 as possible ideally, but there can be some flex in the budget if need be.

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I wouldn’t recommend the clone vanguard. Mine broke after an extremely short time of use and I only weigh 60kg :frowning:

Seriously, save yourself the money and heartache. Maybe mine was a bad batch but literally anything is better. There’s no concave at all so it’s like standing on a flat lifeless door made of marshmallows.

Oh man, hope the rest of the build didn’t get damaged when that broke :o

I’ll take your advice and steer clear of the clone. What would be a good replacement? The Loaded Vanguard series?

The loaded are very good, but then again - it will take alot of your budget(unless u can get a used one cheaper). Myself bought a cheaper “nobrand” board thats basically a wannabe loaded. It works good and feels really nice to ride. But not sure if they sell outside of sweden. They are called NoBrand(funny enough)

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Thanks for the info, will definitely check it out when I have the chance :slight_smile:

UPDATE: I seem to have found a more expensive clone of the Loaded Vanguard, for $65, so will order that when I get some cash injected later on in the month, and see how it performs.


Also about the enclosures - if you look through the comments on one of the clone builds (I think) , I’ll link it for you if I find it but there is a template for enclosures.

Edit: I know I saw @TranxFu had some neat enclosures he made and 3Dprinted for his vanguard - I think that board is pretty similar shaped to what you’re gonna use, May be worth asking him for the files or check out his thread

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A couple of days ago my original Loaded Vanguard got stucked on a hole on the corner of a street in pavement on a red light, I went to pick it up before the red light turned green but it was too late, the bus driver went ahead over my board, I didn’t even try to lift it I just opted to stay in the side walk watching the horror scene.

When I went to pick it up the enclosure was crashed, the bearings were torn appart but the deck was intact, it was flexible as always and working perfectly. I’m glad I paid US$ 179 for the deck, it was worth every single dime, won’t buy a clone Vanguard ever.

I’m sorry to hear about your board @Eboosted, but it does sound like the Loaded Vanguard is worth the money then! If I can afford to buy the original, I will - if not I’ll have to stick to the clone for $65 :stuck_out_tongue:

jezz they must have upped the price, i bought the same one last year for 25 bucks from customskateboards

Just searched on the website and the price is now $25…not that I’m complaining :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you opt for the 7, 8 or 9 ply board variant, may I ask?

link to board

i didn’t have the option to pick the ply on my wood when i ordered, but looking at it i think its 8 ply ,but in the note i asked them to make it as stiff as possible with minimal flex, and i get probably about a half inch of flex in the center of the board. however i have seen other people on this forum give examples of the flex on this exact board and it is MUCH more flexy than mine. So it would seem that not everyone gets the same quality deck as they are made to order…but mine has held up great for a year now and I have zero issues with it…got to canada pretty quick too :smiley:

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I bought that exact board from them so I figured I’d add in my experience with it. I weigh 165 lbs and bought it with 8 ply flex. I’d say it has a minimum but noticeable amount of flex, as in I feel it bend slightly when I step on it. Currently I use a split enclosure but am planning on upgrading to a single big enclosure later so I’d say it’s stiff enough to run one enclosure on.

If you’re going for a boosted clone and are planning to use a split enclosure, I’d say definitely go for the 7 ply, you’ll appreciate the extra flex.


Cheers for the advice, will go with the 7 ply then :smiley:

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