I got a ESCape kit from bimmer and soldered all the parts. I got this STLink programmer from aliexpress and connected NRST, SWDIO, GND, SWCLK and VCC in order to flash the vesc 6 firmware. When I plugin the usb dongle I don’t hear any connection sound on windows 10. There is no new COM port on device manager. I installed the STlink utility but I can’t connect.
Anyone else got the same problem? What could it be? Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: Nevermind. The other VESC worked… but on this one no LED is flashing, I guess a soldering mistake.
Anyways, I am not quite sure. Should I flash the firmware or the bootloader?
https://github.com/vedderb/vesc_tool/blob/master/res/bootloaders/60_o_75_300.bin or