Flat cables over deck (boosted board)

I did it with abs

Haha! He means copper! lol

I used for my build PCB material. Cheap and easy to find. You can get very thin fiberglass backing so it will be very flexible ( it will even reinforce your deck ). You just have to route a channel in the middle or cut 2 separate strips. You can also make it as wide as you wish. Just havent got mileage on it but thin copper will take a lot of flexing ( hopefully ).

All you need is to sandwich either one or two pairs of this between your ply (if you’re making your own board), or through one end over the top and then through to the bottom the other end (if you’re covering the top in tape). http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121941430464

Just found this old thread.

I am considering various ways to run cables from the battery to VESC’s on Vanguard board (with dual Boosted-style enclosures). I am not a big fan of drilling lots of holes and grooves in the deck.

Why do people usually run flat cables on the top of the deck? Is it only because you can hide them under the grip tape? Is it a good idea to run flat cables on the bottom of the deck?

You can run them under the deck, but you’ll need to find a way to conceal them. . . Unless you’re not bothered about seeing them. Did probably protect them in some way too…

Can I use this one? Can it handle the current? https://www.amazon.com/Tinned-Copper-Braid-Bright-Length/dp/B003HGHQYM/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

Hey !

Little up of this thread because I need one actually for an 8S 50Amps setup, the amazon link look good but idk which diameter should I take ?

Anyone ?

Or another link I don’t care, it’s strange how it look like everyone use this method and there is no information all around the forum !

I know, Use half inch, tin plated copper braided cable

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Going in this coming Christmas build :slight_smile: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BIBQ940/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It’s been mentioned before 1/4 inch is 12 awg equivalent. I doubled up for headroom. A large restriction on power contraints is heat, so make sure you insulate with something.

That’s cool thanks !

Does it can touch the wood of the deck without shorting anything ? Like the top can be isolated with some tape but what about the part that is touching directly the deck ?

Here is what I did: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbNoS0Tr8c8


Nice thank you dude !

Copper sheet works. The deck wood is a good insulator

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