Flipsky FSESC 4.20 Mini - No USB connection

Anyone had this happen before?

Brand new unit, it powers up and lights up a blue and a green light. However, pluging the USB cable does absolutley nothing either to the ESC or the computer.

VESC TOOL shows up COM1 as the only port but cant connect: “Make sure ESC is powered on and the cable is connected”.

Tried the Virtual COM drivers from MTElectronics and after installing, nothing changed including in my Windows 10 Device Manager… after manually adding the drivers, VESC Tool shows up port COM3 as VESC COM3 but still no connection.

Kind of lost here. Is there anything else I should try? I am convinced the driver / communication between ESC and PC is the culprit but dont know what to try now…

Do you guys shut down the firewall or any other known problematic software?

Thanks in advance!