Groupbuy'd - UNITY

But you still waiting for one unity or did you give your place to somebody else?

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Did you receive a unity from @ksfacinelli

  • Yes
  • NO

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I was considering giving up my spot but at that point He wasn’t active on the forum. I recall there were personal issues that he was taking care of hence the silence but I don’t mind giving up my spot if/when He comes back

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It means you had a place but didn’t paid yet, right?

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yup thats right. I was just waiting for him to ask for payment but haven’t gotten any invoice on PP either

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Weirdly a unity I purchased near launch day direct from enertion saw shipped to me by kevin.

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I remember I read that @Deodand said he was speaking with @ksfacinelli on the phone as min once. @Deodand maybe you still have the number or any contact to him?


i think he helped enertion with all unity orders in the US. i could be wrong, but i think he shipped out all unities that were ordered directly from enertion.

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I wish I did what you did @Wraith. I know I’ve tryed to contact him threw email and threw here that’s all I’ve got to try with and I’ve done lots… I payed him already but not friends and family and was going to contact PayPal tomorrow and start the process to get my money back as this has gone to far in my books. Thank you @Andy87 for helping


I had reserved a spot on his GB for 2, I also got one on Jlabs GB and 2 direct from enertion. there was a mix up with those, but have since been worked out and I have received the 3 units. For the 2 reserved I haven’t paid for them yet, because I was waiting for a response to PM and for the others to turn up before paying for more.


@anon64938381 have you had any luck

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I rogered to to wanting one, never paid, found other source

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I am in the same boat as @wraith and @hyperIon1

I didn’t pay because I never heard anything.


That’s also my situation. And I would still like to get one.


Is anyone waiting for orders already paid for? Or just waiting list unpaid?


@Frenchy did


@CarlCollins can we get you involved in this before paypal does. @Frenchy has a unity order paid for and pending with @ksfacinelli. We understand things happen and just want to advocate the solution before it goes too far. @Frenchy if you will give me a day to look into this I will try to get your unity for you, or at least some answers, Cool?


That’s great! Please give the other people some time to reply too. Just to be sure that @Frenchy is the only one who already paid.

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that would be a good idea, If there are more waiting on PAID FOR UNITS then, please sound off!


Group buys aren’t handled by enertion customer support I don’t think.