GT2B "baby buffalo" Mod Case (3D Printable Thumb Throttle Case)

Yeah, if its something like the HK 150A ESC you have to recalibrate the throttle range. I also noticed that when connecting the steering pot to channel 2 on the gt2b, there’s a bias, so when the throttle is neutral, it actually sits at about 65% of the range instead of 50%. I will try and print a new thumb lever with different rotations to see which one gets it closer to 50%.

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Sweet remote! Got GT2B on order, really need to ditch the Quanum remote. Any word on modding it to receive a nunchuck style wrist lanyard?

I can remix it on Thingiverse if you’re too busy.

Forgot about that, I’ll try to get that done this weekend.

I made quite a bit of changes to the enclosure (mainly ergonomic) and added lanyard slot, i can send it to you this weekend if you want to port the changes back.

EDIT: also, i changed the thumbstick rotation because my remote was biased to 60% throttle at dead center

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Even better, share the link here! I don’t care about version control, this is just an open-source remote case after all.

Your rotation issue was when using the steering POT attached to the throttle input (2nd channel)? Or am I mis-remembering your set-up?

Yep, thats how i got it setup. I did the changes in Fusion 360, so it needs to be ported back to open scad

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Can you post your files chinzw?

This is my remixed version with smoother corners for nicer grip, extra space for usb port (mine needed an extra 1mm to close properly) and also added lanyard attachment.


Nice work! Thanks for posting, I’d like to see a pic of your actual print if you have one.

Im printing it tonight, i did a print of the top side, but forgot to add the lanyard to the onshape model so i have to reprint.

Here you go @Qwiksand

PS: OnShape link:


Sexy, you do nice work!

@Qwiksand Thanks, its all you buddy, all i did is smooth it out and add a lanyard :slight_smile: I gotta say tough, it feels amazing with the smooth edges.


You really should consider selling these, I don’t know about anybody else, but I would be happy to buy one. Especially considering I don’t have easy access to a 3D printer or extreme technical know how so as to build one.

Shapeways or 3dhubs is your friend. D/L the .zip of files, (.stl) and then upload them on 3dhub or shapeways. 3dhubs has local printers and is less $ (in my experience). Shapeways does a great job and ships direct to you. Both good options.

Kudos and hats off to @Qwiksand for the original, and @chinzw for the mk2 remix! Well done gents!!


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Another Baby Buffalo in the wild. Big thanks to Qwiksand and Chinzw for the remote! Feels great! It’s printed in white ABS and smoothed in Acetone vapour.

I added a little modification to seperate the pink and ring finger, not really needed but I thought I would. Pretty messy addition to the model so I won’t post it unless someone really wants it. I’m using the steering pot and found I was getting the throttle off set issue when plugged into the first port. So I switched to the steering port and channel 1 on the receiver. Although it doesn’t feel like it has the same response it had when using the traditional remote. Does the throttle channel have a throttle curve? Someone mentioned printing a thumb stick with built in offset, has this been posted?


Nice, stormtrooper motif!

I believe @chinzw can hook you up with the rotated thumbstick for the throttle port.

On the GT2B remote, the throttle POT is a 50 degree sweep and the steering POT is 90 degrees. I was looking for a longer throw to help modulate braking when using the cheapy FVT 120a ESC, so I went with the 90 degree (steering pot) hooked to channel 1 (steering channel) as this seems to be a 50/50 split of forward/reverse throw- makes sense since you would want to turn equally left and right.

It feels to me that the throttle port (channel 2) is more of a 60/40 split of forward/reverse- there’s definitely less brake throw on the stock remote as compared to forward throttle anyway.

@JonathanLau1983 @Qwiksand i printed an offseted pot, but it didn’t really work, all it did was move the whole range. but the bias was still there. Next up, once i finish my new electronics ill spend some time trying out a hall sensor thumb stick.

Anyone know what the two adjusters next to the connection ports do?

they trim the max/min range of the throttle.