Help with wiring and loopkey (first post but learned lots here)

Update when you get the chance. Gn.

Make sure when you solder the XT90 you plug the male and female together, so if/when they get melty, the pins stay aligned straight.

Because it can literally burn your house down if you screw up

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Can you help me with a diagram bc this is not my expertise and i keep going in circles. Like I think i know what to do but it’s hard for me to draw out. Have a form of severe autism

Use an xt90 female plugged into the male while you solder the wires. It will hold the 2 male pins from moving while heated.


That’s not the right diagram for your battery but I hope you can use it as a starting point or look in that other thread


If you make a diagram we can tell you if it will work or not.

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I cant solder sht without helping hands. UGH i h8 my life so much this garbage never ends

I actually have wasted all this time and still dont have one. Going to bed gotta clean up all this sht again

Im sorry i have no idea what this means

Its a bit difficult, but its the similar drawing that was done before. Just a more schematics view of it.

Cheer up little buddy. It gets much worse.


Soldering takes practice. And everything EV related takes time to absorb.


So much dread

A regular at the place I work happened to start a conversation related to what I’m working on and he is the son of the owners of a hardware store a few blocks down. I mentioned trying to solder without helping hands and that it just wasn’t happening. He ran home and brought back his box of soldering equipment with helping hands and said feel free to use whatever i need. Bless

I will try and get a diagram drawn tonight. Had a long day at work :smiling_face_with_tear:

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How is this?

Are buttslicers alright?


Diagram looks ok. Butt splices will always be inferior to a proper soldering job IMHO. Look for the XT90 anti spark connectors with 1/2 cups on the ends for easier soldering. Do use short lengths of heat shrink over the wires for added protection.

Remember, heat the thing you’re wanting to solder then add solder. Dont heat the solder first. Solder will naturally creep toward the hottest part of what you’re working on. And do one wire at a time to prevent nasty sparks and 4 alarm fires.


Yes that looks correct.

I’d solder those though. The best way IMHO to solder 3 large wires together is to strip, twist, and tin (put some solder on it and flick any extra off) then snip off the very tips. After you do that to all 3 wires, put shrink wrap onto the wires if you’re doing to use it, then strip a scrap piece of wire and take one of the strands out of it. Wrap that single strand around all 3 wires to hold them together while you solder them. Afterward, cover it with sealant, either conformal coating (5 layers) or some acrylic (not gel) nail polish (5 layers) or shrink wrap with pieces of HMA (hot melt adhesive: aka hot glue) shoved inside and shrunk with a heatgun.

Electrical tape sucks, don’t use it.

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This is important. If you’re working on red wires, have ALL the black wires taped up on the ends. Do NOT remove ANY of the tape until the red wires are done and either sealed or taped. Never have both sides bare simultaneously.

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Yes i have marine grade heat shrink tubes of all sizes for wires. I was just really awful at soldering because the section wouldnt seem to get hot enough for the solder to melt, i also cut the wires too short on the battery without thinking (not both poles btw, yet), i was trying to shorten them a bit but made it a hassle to work with the helping hands. Got them soldered together but the wires were so thick i couldnt get the solder to melt so i did it with a f*ing heat gun and that seemed to work better?

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I still probably need to redo all of the soldering, but im kind of stuck right now… im not sure how to finish the rest, I’m so confused and my diagram isnt exactly helping. I’m sure ill Get it but I’m going to be the strangest wiring job…