Hey guys! I’m new to the game and need some advice!

Hey guys! I’ve got an ownboard W1S US Version and a boosted V1 with a broken battery. I was wondering what you guys recommend? I know I want to use the vanguard boosted deck and possibly add a cut out handle to it like the ownboard. But what are my options for the V1? Can I upgrade to bigger wheels? Can I replace the ESC and battery with a third party? Is there anyway to use a hobbywing esc (only thing I can think of is ownboard’s W2 belt board) with the boosted belt motors? What do you guys reccomend I do? I feel like I can’t fix the battery and even if I did I wouldn’t want the terrible range of the V1, I’d rather try to get between 12 to 20 miles in range and aim for 26-28 mph for the top speed. Are the trucks and motors good enough quality to keep for the boosted? Any general direction or recommendations would be great! Thanks so much :slight_smile: