How fast is too fast?

I jam my knees together when I am trying to get more speed. Closing that gap reduces drag significantly but it does make you a bit less flexible if things go bad.

Too be honest, I ussually jam my knee only when I am tired. :disappointed_relieved:

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yeah, on an esk8 I value safety above everything. Especially when pushing the limits of my set up. Basically going brazilian tuck into cutoff was the scariest shit so far :slight_smile:


muscle memory on throttle release is critical. Tactically releasing the throttle happens often and can be jarring so you need to have the reflexes to flow into and out of it smoothly.

I noticed that the other day. Iā€™m always playing with my mounts and belts and shit but since i switched to the UNiKs i havenā€™t had to. So iā€™m finally able to see patterns develop that arenā€™t influenced by whatever i just tried. All of that is to say that iā€™m finally able to narrow in on my required muscle memory for dynamic throttling of turns and obstacle avoidance when brakes arenā€™t applied. And its helping a lot. Especially in my neighborhood which has a kind of awesome mixed bag of great and terrible streets ideal for ā€œraceā€ testing.

And then i go ride another board and forget the language.


this is going to sound totally nuts but iā€™ve been tearing around the neighborhood like a foolā€¦ in slow mode.

these new maytech remotesā€¦ kind of alien. the curve on the slow mode is kind of ideal for really high powered boards in a number of ways. It wonā€™t burn thane off the line obviously but the top end is still there, and you can jam it hard and get the expected result in almost any situation. all this and the hair trigger is gone from the bottom end.

still new to it, and i have an even more interesting remote coming soon. Just wanted to point out that modes can make a difference in ways you might not think so experimenting is key to find what works for you.

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Actually not nuts at all. Same is with my benchwheel remote. For urban ridinng slow mode all day. Top end is similar.

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So waay back in Nov17 we were discussing how many watts it takes to achieve calculated speeds. I made a post using a current automobile drag co efficient computer and inputting skate boards numbers. Guess what. We made 63mph at 5902watts = 7.91hp considering this run was an uphill grade I would say the computer is in the ZIP code. Hey @longhairedboy did NGV ever take care of @skateswordsman after the melt down? Screenshot_20180719-191315


During the last 7 months there have been alot of set backsā€¦(a whole damn lot, damon could go on for days) but I decided at the end near late may or early june to send it back to ngv so they can fix it them selves (Partially because there was a lack of communication between the cats and do- oh I mean Damon and Tone on the project) right now the board is in slovenia with tone who is almost done with it, he said this tuesday he needs 3 days to finish it so im hoping that It will ship on monday. The main problem and why it took so long was because of bad modifications that could of been avoided if they just talked to each other

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As of right now the board works, tone is working on a way to make the batteries removable from the board to be put in a lipo balancing charger because our modifications made it so it would be charged like a cell phone or laptop (which fucked up the board in the first place and made the batteries unbalanced)

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Glad to hear itā€™s all being made right. Hope you donā€™t have to give another sack of cash to @NGV . canā€™t wait to see it in action.:+1::+1:

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I plan on going to the renegade weekend in vegas with it to completely demolish the event lol thatā€™s if I can master top speed intime

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How have I never seen you lolā€¦ Iā€™ve been irritated that I canā€™t get passed 32mph on a 10s battery on 100mm wheelsā€¦ but that will be changing with my new build and custom motors

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Any updates on this

Year latter. You figure out how to keep that lit yet? Still say 35 and under?


Haha one my favourite posts on here and i just found it :joy:

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The only decent solution is a to use a vapourizer, but its not really the same. You donā€™t look as cool.


For updates look at my instagram sword board


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I was going to make a thread with this exact title.

35mph is fast enough for me. 40+ mph is too fast. I had my board geared for 55mph, that was a bit too quick, brakes sucked, maneuverability at low speeds took a massive hit, acceleration is never what it could beā€¦ As fun as fast is, once I got the thrill out of my system knowing I could go that fast everywhere, itā€™s just not totally practical. I hit a max of 32mph on my most recent ride, and although Iā€™d like to go a tad bit faster, I have to concede to what the community has been telling me since the beginningā€¦ Although going very fast may be fun, itā€™s really not all that practical!


I have almost zero desire to go fast. I have gone faster than twenty mph a few times, for nanoseconds. To me, these are transpo, not sport. Also, not going fast means my batts and board will last.

Some cars are more adept at driving at high speeds than others. Driving quickly is a skill that some people have over others. Personally, I move as slowly as is permitted :innocent:.