I am trying to build a 4wd e board and need help

1k miles is 1000miles. :roll_eyes:


If you have already used it, weren’t all cables not already connected?

The black cables are not marked, so if you clipped them God knows in what order they go back.

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yes sorry thought you said 1k as in kilometeres

esc already came wired just wanted to know for future so i could see if i could wire up 2 escs myself in the future

Building a 4wd isn’t hard it’s just cost alot of money to build a good one.

Do more research and you wouldn’t have to ask so many questions and the day you have a real question that you can’t find an answer for then someone won’t mind answering it.


No, you can’t since the firmware is locked. The master and slave behavior is pre-programmed /no way for a customer to change it.

That means you can’t buy the single equivalents of these escs and turn them into 4wd. Also means that if one esc dies, you are out of luck/no replacement.

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K thanks for helping

Are there any 4wd vesc that I can use


Just enter 4wd vesc in the search bar, top right glass hour icon. Then you will learn something called canbus is the only relevant factor. Then you search what a canbus is… Follow the rabbit hole and see where it leads. A 14 year old could do it :wink:


dude, you really gotta start using search and reading more. People aren’t going to keep spoon feeding you. I understand asking noob questions. I’ve definitely asked a few myself. But it doesn’t even seem like you try to find the answer yourself.

Maybe post here at least.


Who is this quote targeting ? Me or the guy who posted this thread ? I feel offended, Ima post it on twitter ^^

I was just linking the noob thread @JibeBigo I didn’t bother to link to fist post.


thanks for the link

@telnoi is right about those ESCs. They are locked down.

Performance wise, the 2.1 version of the sensorless FOC capable escs are pretty good. If hadn’t worked on a buddies board that had them and watched him ride the board harder and faster than anyone else short of Moestooge, I would not believe it.

they pulled enough amps to melt an xt60 connector plug straight out of its jacket. It still lived on. Ultimately, I broke off an SMD component trying remove the melted goo that dripped near the main ICU. I killed it by accident… trying to help.

Seems like vibrations are still an issue for you. Try a flexible deck or buy a satillite version (non-hub) and do pneumatic tires. As warned above, 4wd pneumo setups get expensive real fast.

As far as the wiring connections between controllers, if you can get 1 remote to pair to two or more ESCs, you can skip the canbus or wired connection. How to do this? There is a pairing procedure for these ESCs. you will have to search for this, possibly through the vendors documentation.

Are these 2.1 though? The versions I am familiar with output 50a max/25a per motor. That’s just 100a for a 4wd. That includes the double stacked version with alu heatsink.

My dual focbox outputs 120A, so in itself 100 is not bad, but for a 4wd a total waste.

I worked with the double stacked ones in 2wd satillite config. The xt60 anecdote still doesn’t make sense to me. Yeah, same amp limits to mention.

The OPs do not look like the 2.1s.

True about 4wd and those settings. Thought I should chime in bc, I too can’t be convinced off 4wd. I like it and efficiency isn’t a problem or concern for me. Some men just want to ride stupid boards :man_shrugging:.

Hi does anyone know where I can buy a cheap dual vesc from as I have been looking on forum for ages now and still have not found any answer

Flipsky is pretty good for it’s price (just not 12s) or focbox unity… :slight_smile:

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Can’t get much cheaper. Other than what you already got. Just be sure to read up on it before buying. "Pretty good for it’s price " is a very true statement. It’s got limits.