I have bought some parts for my build, but I need the propulsion system/esc now
I have enough connectors and an antispark for the esc. I just needed help to choose the motors/esc
My budget for the everything needed for the motors [i.e belts, mounts, wheels, trucks] (I am open to using hub motors) is $250 (Don’t mind 3d printing cost). I am looking for more torque over top speed because I live in SF. I am running a 10s system. I also have a 3d printer to print wheel pulleys, but I prefer not to rely on a 3dp motor pulley or motor mount for a long time. I have already printed a temporary motor mount and I have a way to fix it onto a caliber II truck
I got a set of hub motors for sale. Comes with 2x 90mm front wheels with bearings, 1x front truck, 2x 90mm hub motors and 1x rear truck for the motors.
They are yours for €120 + shipping.
Been rocking the nylon (taulman 645) motor pulley for about 3 days now so far so good no noticeable problems while riding or visual issues I think it’s going to hold up fine really. Also using the 149kv motor and two 5S in series (only 5Ah though) setup works well for me. I’d also be worried about the motor mount breaking since I went with a metal one and even with metal ones they can crack if they are crappy metal or too thin since they are stopping the motor from spinning itself around the truck with as much force as it takes to push the wheel around and move your butt forward.
I decided to go with the same motors that the Riptide board uses: https://www.ebay.com/i/322549102279?chn=ps&dispItem=1
I plan to build another board soon for someone. I’ll make sure to PM you guys if you still have the parts when I start the new build. Thanks For The Help!