Lazyrolling armored hoodie live on indiegogo!

Robin%20hoodie Robin%20Hoodie%202

Hey Guys! Im (5 feet 10 55 ⁄ 64 inches) - 180cm tall, and weigh: 180.77 lbs - 82kg

In the pictures im wearing a Large WITH ALL pads in, and thats the size i prefer, more of a “hoodie” feel I.M.O

Medium FITS but is a bit tight,


@RobinLazyRolling @LazyRolling What size sweatshirts and t-shirts do you use?

I ordered 2! Thanks for the sick product @LazyRolling, I’m excited! I wanted to get a set of the halos too but dropping $300+ on hoodies at once made me shut my wallet quick!


i use M/L!

Usually M fits good, but i L like a bit of extra space for that skateboard feel :slight_smile:

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18 left with a 90 USD discount!

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How does the hoodie fit completely naked, but the hoodie tied around your waste covering your nakedness?

My friend is on the fence and wants pictures.


Send your friend a pic of yours :wink:


Just got an update that the halos are getting thrown in with new purchases…does this include earlier purchases ( like mine??)


Hi, + HALOS is for the 200$ batch :sunny: Then for the 220$ its HALOS + Sticker Pack.

But later today we will add a new Perk for anyone whois already an ARMORED HOODIE owner, and that is a CRASH REPLACEMENT :slight_smile:


That’s very nice wow


Crash Robin will release the info on Indiegogo later on :slight_smile:

// Daniel


Ordered one too, cant wait to hold it in my hands. Thanks @legend27 for the thread, you saved me from regular pads :slight_smile:


The CRASH REPLACEMENT is now up and running in Indiegogo :v: It’s 10$ :cowboy_hat_face:


Just put in for one! Good luck guys!


Looks good, I’m in :sunglasses:

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Fuck. I just ran into like, exactly enough spare cash for this from returning a pair of boots that were poop. Seems like a good investment, especially for college use. At the same time, I’m going to gain at least 25lb ASAP after I have surgery and I presume that’s probably enough to grow me out of what size would fit well right now.

Money could also be put towards TB110’s or a helmet - I’d never ride without a helmet or gloves with schaphoid protection, but until I’m trying to go super high speed elbows seem slightly less important. Really wishing I didn’t lose my nicely padded dual-shell lamb leather jacket while drunk right now lmao

Tough decision, poverty reeks

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Can’t say we’re in poverty when we’re spending all this money on luxeuries like esk8.

But I get you esk8 is expensive but it’s a first world problem lol

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And being drunk…alcohol and drinking wastes a good amount of money!

Haha, you guys are killing me :/.

Trying to find a good way to reply without sounding like a pretentious arseeater.

I’m painfully aware of third world poverty. Being empathetic kinda sucks ass sometimes. Attempting to fix the earth seems like a nearly insurmountable task. Greed and this article is a pretty good idea of why.

Anyways, I live in the 8th poorest country in the U.S., I’m thankful for everything I have. Currently in recovery from a life-threatening illness that will shadow me for the rest of my life - even more so - especially knowing there are thousands of people in third world countries with the same syndrome I have without access to the surprisingly difficult treatment needed to help it, not to mention the material possessions I’m able to come home to every day.

Anyways, that aside, I’ve also never spent money on alcohol in my life. Friends treat me sometimes because I don’t get to come around much anymore. Which is why running off and losing the jacket I’ve had since middle school, grew out of, and somehow shrunk back(lmfao) into sucked even more.

I’m also super fucking lucky I did well in school and got a dick load and a half of scholarships and grants I wasn’t even aware of or else I’d probably be fucked off and done something that would have me dead by this point. I’m in the area surrounded by the places hardest hit by the opioid and heroin academic(I will keep this unedited, to show how bad autocorrect is to change epidemic into academic) - it’s legit like a first world glimpse into the apocalypse haha.

Anyways, I don’t mean to turn this into a pity blog post. It was insensitive of me to refer to poverty in a hobby like ours - but I’m at least very much aware of how shitty some people really do have it in the rest of the world. Very surprisingly and kinda fucking infuriatingly, the actual severity of it never crosses a fair amount of college kids in my area’s mind.