LiPo Battery Swelling

One of the cells in my 8S1P pack I did from two Zippy 4S batteries was spotted swelled. I guess that’s my fault, as I once left board on for the whole night and the voltage dropped pretty low and once board was just lying around fully charged for about a week.
One more maintenance thing that may cause cell degradation is that initially electrolyte is mixed with an inhibitor, that allows battery to be stored for a longer time. This additive decomposes during first 2-3 cycles, which should be done at 3-4C. If the battery is used under nominal load during this period, it may lead to battery damage.

– First of all I’d like to ask about safety. How safe is it to use a swallowed battery? At what degree of volume increase one should consider the battery ‘not usable’?
– Secondly, there are options to go around this problem. I’ve found videos and just suggestions on forums, that putting swallowed battery in the fridge for a day may help. Some people even suggest to carefully puncture battery and let gases out. :disappointed_relieved: MythBusters demanded.
– Also I now wonder how do Lion batteries go bad? Do they also swallow and might explode or they just die quietly?

If it’s showing good storage and not much increase in IR it’s probably fine. I bet u let the voltage of that one cell get too low.

Lots of ion cell’s have a gas release valve

@MrCheatak where u hear they about an inhibitor additive in lipo ?

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A damage battery is a damage battery, some still use swollen batterys( I have some, that I use on occasion), charging them is the most dangerous part, To get a battery to blow up discharging has to be a short. If you want to be risky don’t charge damaged cells under a roof.

I am a little concerned about charging it to be honest. It is not a little swallow… I measured the voltage of this and two other cells and it was 0,08V lower. But last charging was balanced.

About additive I found on one russian site and also on a german forum.

I’ve read also that even swollen batteries can be used under small load. That’s I’m also concerned with now. Well, I’m currently living in a dorm, so charging outside would be tricky involving 15m cable